Chad's Omsk - Military Republic of Omsk
Military Republic of Omsk
The Flag of the Military Republic of Omsk |
Omsk Coat of Arms |
Map of the Military Republic of Omsk |
Server Icon | |
Motto | |
"Sic Semper Monstrum" | |
Official Languages | |
English, Russian | |
Capital | |
Omsk city | |
Demonym | |
Russian | |
Administration | |
Form of Government | Militarist republic |
Grand marshal | Chad |
Marshal | Erwin |
Ownership | |
Founder | Chad |
Current Owner | Chad |
Member Count | |
123 members at peak | |
Link | |
Discord Invite |
The Military Republic of Omsk or simply known as Omsk or Chads Omsk Is a Militarist Republic and hardcore Anti TA server, with Chad an Ex-Kaiser of the Authority who was betrayed by Wilhelm Keitel as the founder. The server would be made on February 12th and would be active until it was nuked by Muammar Krabbafi an ex Committee for State Security (Leon's USSR) agent, the server would be revived again on the summer of that year.
The server was created a backup server by Chad who predicted that Wilhelm might betray him in the future. The main goal that Chad had was to make a mock gov with the most competent people he could find, Muammar Krabbafi as Chief Justice, Lind as Marshal, etc. to stand against Wilhelm Keitel and other large groups in the Mock Government community that Chad saw as threats and degenerates.
Chad used his ties with his friends and allies to create a web of alliances that planned on going against TA when he was inevitably couped, which eventually became The Anti-TA Coalition. He prepared for war and created the Omsk Republican Guard (OMR counter-intelligence and law enforcement agency), adding members of Leon's USSR to help train members, and numerous informants in TA.
Chad and Marshal Lind also established the elected Regional Council to boost democracy and activity within the OMR and provide an alternative for the TA. While Muammar produced the first version of the Omsk Legal Codex, which served as the basis for laws and actions within the republic.