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Counterintelligence and Anticorruption Bureau (Billionaire's Poland)

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Counterintelligence and Anticorruption Bureau

Agency Seal

Agency Flag

Agency Headquarters

"Cześć i Chwała Bohaterom" (Polish)
"Honor and Glory to the Heroes" (English)
Employee Count
Parent Agency
State Protection Service
Chief Executive President of the Republic of Poland
Director of the Counterintelligence and Anticorruption Bureau Director of the Counterintelligence and Anticorruption Bureau
Second in Command Deputy-Director of the Counterintelligence and Anticorruption Bureau

The Counterintelligence and Anticorruption Bureau, known informally as the C.A.B., is a Counterintelligence service tasked with the gathering, processing, and analyzing of public and secret information from across Mock-Government for the Republic of Poland.

The C.A.B. reports immediately to the Director of the Counterintelligence and Anticorruption Bureau (DoCAB), who reports to the Chairman of the State Protection Service. The Chairman relays information to the President of the Republic of Poland. The Chairman is responsible before the Council of Ministers.

The Constitution of the Republic of Poland states that the C.A.B. has the authority to arrest Polish Citizens on Polish soil if they pose a threat to the security of Poland.


Following the June 12, 2024 dissolution of A.W.N.I.A. into three separate agencies, mirroring preexisting departments, the A.W.N.I.A. Counterintelligence Division became the Counterintelligence and Anticorruption Bureau. The institution received a new Director and operational structure. The C.A.B. was placed under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice. With the rendering of the Nihil Novi Constitution in December of 2024, the Counterintelligence and Anticorruption Bureau is under the jurisdiction of the State Protection Service alone, and this responsible to the Council of Ministers. The President of the Republic of Poland appoints the leadership of the State Protection Service.

Notable Achievements

The High Court of the Republic of Poland where the CIA Trials were held after the C.A.B. successfully apprehended foreign agents.

In May of 2024, a massive CIA network within Poland was detected by the C.A.B. which led to the identities of all CIA Officers within the server being immediately compromised, many of them arrested and banned from the server. The detection led to the destruction of at least 4 months of work conducted by the CIA.

Rival Agencies

The C.A.B. is rivaled by the following agencies, and has been known to spend extensive resources on infiltrating them;

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