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Defense Intelligence Agency (Romeo's USA)

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Defense Intelligence Agency

Seal of the Defense Intelligence Agency



Agency Headquarters

“…and I shall guard this promised land with my faith in my Lord, just as Joshua did at the walls of Jericho.” [Motto 1]
"When you go out to battle against your enemies, be strong and of good courage, for the Lord is with you to deliver you." (The Jewish Talmud, Sotah 42a)
Employee Count
Believed to be around 10 (Only used during wartime)
Parent Agency
United States Intelligence Community
Chief Executive Secretary of Defense (Reports to the President)
Director of Defense Intelligence Director of Defense Intelligence
Second in Command Assistant to the Director of Defense Intelligence

The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) is one of the 7 intelligence agencies within Romeo's USA.

A detach of the U.S. Military, but also a part of the U.S. Intelligence Community, the DIA is a wartime-only agency which is tasked with rapidly gathering, processing, and analyzing the military capabilities of enemy nations during wartime. That information is then reported to the Secretary of Defense, who is immediately obligated to report that information to The President of the United States.


The Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency must be one of the following;

- An active Lieutenant+ within the U.S. Department of Defense (U.S. Military)

- Must have knowledge, and have understanding of, the operations of a foreign intelligence agency

- Must be able to field reports and immediately report all verified information to the Secretary of Defense, who then relays that information to the President of the United States.


The Department of Defense refused to provide mockgovernments.com with extensive information regarding the Defense Intelligence Agency. However, we know that the main operational bureau within the DIA is the Defense Clandestine Service (DCS), which is tasked with sneaking spies into foreign militaries during war.

The logo of the DCS.

Notable Achievements

During the American Invasion of Afghanistan, two DIA operatives with the Clandestine Service were able to sneak into the Afghan military and earn high-ranking positions. The information they were cleared to access in those positions was relayed back to FORSCOMM (United States Armed Forces Command), which in-turn used that information to help win the war on behalf of the United States.

Their identities were never revealed.

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