Holy Legionnaire Empire

From Mock Governments Wiki

Holy Legionnaire Empire of the Cesian Nation
Szánkty Legio Rikh vo ter Keszi Lant (Austugrican)
Heiliges Legionär Reich Kesienischer Nation (German)
Keszi Nemzet Szent Legionáriusi Birodalma (Hungarian)
Heilige Legionair Ryke van de Kesie Natie (Dutch)
Saint-Empire Légionnaire de la nation Cesie (French)

Flag of the Holy Legionnaire Empire

Coat of Arms of the Holy Legionnaire Empire


Coat of Arms

Server Icon
Server Icon of the Holy Legionnaire Empire
"Contundito Tyrannide, Ite Ad Victoriam!"
Official Languages
English, Austugrican, German, Hungarian, Dutch, French
Óhíd (de jure)
Verszaly (de facto)
Form of Government Mixed Monarchy
Emperor Stephen I
Prime Minister Vacant
Founder TheWhiteCount
Current Owner TheWhiteCount
Member Count
Discord Invite

The Holy Legionnaire Empire (Austugrican: Szánkty Legio Rikh vo ter Keszi Lant) is a Mock Government that was based on several platforms. Founded in 2013 by Jesse, it is considered one of the first Mock Governments that appeared on Discord, and predates many of the modern servers.


The Musgorodian Period (2013-2014)

The first nation formed officially on United Year 0 (2013), June 13th (at approximately 7:58 PM), without a name. This nation had many factions, which eventually led to the first weeks and months of success turning stagnant. Eventually, this organized community was first called Musgorod, alternatively spelled Musgerod, with utter success the nation marched on. Musgorod saw the first government being created in early United Year 1 (2014), which was that of a dictatorship, though initially being referred to as a democratic socialist state-it was not. With the birth of the first nation under the city of Svechnograd (also spelled Svekhnograd), so too did the first armies arise in this era of development and changing times.

The first armies of Musgorod were very weak, usually consisting of 5-10 people each-whom were typically drawn from tributary states and aligned states. The city of Svechnograd gained popularity and rapidly attained a population of over 60 Citizen. During the Factional Era, the primary source of communication between citizens was Skype, the group chats are still open to this day-however they remain unused as of United Year 4 (2017).

The Legionnaire Period (2015-2017)

The Musgorodian regimes lasted almost one year United Year 1 (2014), June - United Year 2 (2015), May) and as it died, a new nation was born, the first empire. The first empire was declared in the summer of United Year 2 (2015) by the Dictator UGX. The first empire peaked at 173 total citizens, of which, ~90 were in the New Legion Armed Forces (NLAF) with the first organized units. These units were combat capable, more so than the Musgorodian and factional units of the past. The introduction of an improved hierarchy was the start of many reforms which created a Roman Republic-like expansionist nation-state.

The introduction of the New Legion eventually led to a need for policing and governmental organizations such as border patrol, public services, and an official Roman-styled dictatorship being declared. The New Legion was massive nation for its time and is considered to be ahead of its times in many departments and ideas later used within Dicsosegia and the many regimes of United Years 5-6 (2018-2019). From United Year 2-4 (2015-2017), the New Legion reigned supreme and was capable of many feats and was by far the most successful of any regimes thus far.

However, in January United Year 4 (2017), the Imperial government formed in the form resembling the Legion government known as the Legionnaire Imperium, or the Legionnaire Empire, collapsed. And, with the transitioning governments, the majority of people moved to Discord as opposed to Skype over the course of months. In United Year 2, Skype was primarily used which was changed in United Year 3 with the addition of discord as a secondary--eventually equivalent--source of communication. By United Year 4, Discord, then, became the official means of communication onward with Skype group chats still open but considered as a secondary means of communication.

The Dicsosegian Period (2018)

The Legionnaire Empire lasted until December of United Year 4 (2017), at which point a new empire was declared, the Dicsosegia regime rose to power, and the House of Conantro was formed in December of United Year 4 (2017). The Dicsosegian regime was partially successful in its goals as it, just as the Legionnaire Empire, lasted one year and this did not collapse until the Great Coalition-AntiFu War in August of United Year 5 (2018). The formation of the Protection Forces--a form of policing and paramilitary force for the purposes of imposing rule and order on determined targets, primarily allies in need on the 10th of November United Year 5 (2018)

The months following were stagnant, and eventually, led to the Conantro's regime taking power in December of United Year 5 (2018). Change in the military organization following the idea that military and espionage units should be nationality-based in order to allow for more fluid activity and cooperation between units. This major event coincided with the official institution of over 109 medals and awards on 17:53 -0500 GMT on Wednesday, February 6th, United Year 5 (2018). On February 9th, a Military Junta took over the empire in order to re-establish a chain of command and remove enemy targets of rebellious forces.

The Holy Legionnaire Period and the Ostercium-Ungyarian Periods (2018-2019)

On March 24th, United Year 5 (2018), the empire was reformed into the Grand Duchy of Ostercia, now the Archduchy of Austercy. At 22:56 EST on April 9th of United Year 5 (2018), the Holy Legionnaire Empire has occupied and annexed the Empire of Vonget, now known as the Duchy of Vongettia, under King John of Vonget. At 07:57 -0500 GMT on April 12th of United Year 5, the Imperial Commission of Australia (which was later abandoned) was established as a colony under Commissioner Shakira Viktoria Osterburg. On April 21, United Year 5 (2018), the Holy Legionnaire Empire was legitimized as a state and collapsed on May 8th, United Year 5 (2018) due to the unification of the imperial states forming Östercium-Úngeria--this marked the beginning the Dual Monarchy period. This collapsed in late August, changing the spelling to Osterricht-Ungyaria while remaining the same entity after countless wars brutalized the empire.

An age of decline had set in after the betray of several high officials. On November 27, the promotion of Rommel to Royal Marshal was given, at the same time the colony of Magareus under the Duchy of Vongettia began under the jursidication of Marshal Rommel. At 9:03 PM on the 23rd of December, United Year 6 (2019), the first Prince, Rogal Kharnski was given his title and rank. And that night, naught but an hour later, he formed a Legion of the Adeptus Athenas also known as “Death Lords”. This age of instability ended, on December 25, United Year 6, Emperor Francis IV Linúk. On the night of the 27th of December, the Ministry of Colonial Affairs was formed to administrate all colonies and puppets under imperial jurisdiction. Also, on the 28th of December at 10:54 PM -0500 GMT, Bruno of Linúk-Avançarius was given his title of Prince and formed the a Legion of Adeptus Athenas aka the “Musgorod” Legion, now known as 9th "Musgorodian Legion" Infantry Regiment.

On the 30th of December, United Year 6 (2018), the Adeptus Demeters formed, which is the recruitment arm of the imperial government. On 31st of December, United Year 6 (2019) at 12:41 AM (-0500 GMT) Marshal Security was created as a private security company which offers guns for hire as well as military technology, including vehicles, though this company disbanded a few months later. The Adeptus Metis formed in order as construction and imperial development agency.

The Isantine and CPQC Period (2020-2022)

Upon the coming of the New Year, on January 1st, United Year 6, at 9:57 PM the the Ministry of Mercantile Affairs formed for the purpose of being the financial and economic ministry of the Imperium. However, a new age of expansion was ushered in at 5:07 PM, on the 4th of January, United Year 6, when Emperor Francis IV Linúk declared the Concil Populusque Conantrean/Caiszarus/etc... (C.P.Q.C.). On January 5th at 6:06 PM the Ministry of Justice as a justice and police ministry as a means of establishing and keeping law and order. On the 15th of January, United Year 6, the Richtsteg voted to adopt Austergeric culture for the whole of the CPQC, subsequently--only minutes later--Operation Avancesia was announced to begin. A project would allow expansion of the CPQC into many more communities. On the 17th of January, the Translation Bureau officialized the Historic Nation Standard System (H.N.S.S.) to classify the different periods of history--as well as the nation names they will be adopting in official documentation thereof. On January 18th, United Year 6, a State of the Empire Address for United Year 6 was given. Imperial Vanguard Standard Ranking System, the system for military and combat ranks was adopted within the CPQC and Krigszmerocht on the 19th of January, which was discontinued following the adoption of the Burgham-Jaco System in UY 9. On the 24th of January, United Year 6, Conantro University reopens and Conantro University High School is officially opened, furthermore on the 25th of January the CPQC officially adopted an official website.

On the 26th of January, media companies opened for the first time giving way to public radio and television services. The military then went on to establish the Conantrian Foreign Legion on the 27th of January for the purpose of expanding as well as maintaining the C.P.Q.C. while also being used as volunteer force to support allies. Not to be out-done, the CPQC Task Force Corps was established the same day to serve as peacekeeping military corps serving under the command of the Krigszmerocht. On the 4th of February, The Brisanyagkamparcvagen III (Armoured Fighting Vehicle III) (the “Hyena” tank) was officially publicly displayed and shown as part of the Krigszmerocht arsenol. In addition, on the 8th, the official imperial military headquarters and Archkommando vot Krigszmerocht (High Command of the War Forces) building was established and shown publicly. Not only this, but within the same day the first air force rank insignia were publicly released and shown publicly. On the 12th of February, United Year 6, Great Isantium was declared to be the official name of the CPQC, it was at this point that the Isantine Empire was rapidly developing its armed forces but also political relations--particularly with allied nations and member-states.

On the 13th, Brisanyagery was adopted as the national sport of Great Isantium and subsequently, Conantro University and Conantro University High School developed their own individual teams for Brisanyagery. Conantro University’s team adopted the nickname “Conantrian Chevaliers”, whilst Conantro University High School was nicknamed the “Conantrian Conquerers. However, their original names were Conantrian Chevaliers and Versaliheim Vanquishers, this is before Versaliheim Academy adopted the Conantro name. On the 16th of February, the Krigszmerocht publicly displayed their army/ground forces insignia to both the military and civilian population. The Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture and the Brisanyagery Federation were all established on the 17th. This was the day that Adeptus’ became Ministries but also many ministries were renamed and given more functions. The Ministry of Education’s goal is to education as many CPQC citizens as possible, particularly students, while the Ministry of Culture tries to promote the Ostergeric culture and language. The Brisanyagery Federation was originally founded for the purpose of regulating and promoting Brisanyagery as a sport and to get people actively involved in said sport.

On the 19th of February, the Krigszmerocht officially adopted the Arrow-Beam Cross as its coat of arms and symbol. The Princes' Day was officially declared to be January 23rd on the 22nd of February to celebrate all Princes and Crown Princes as well as Crown Princesses. On the next day, February 23rd, the Levftmerocht adopted Collar Ranks for the entire branch. The next major event was, on the 28th of Feburary, the first Radio Isantinople broadcast which included music, regular news updates, and a quarterly playing of the national anthem. The coming of the 1st of March saw the adoption of more intense military regulations--specifically calling for 6 hours of training per week.

On the 2nd of March, the Armed Services Act of United Year 6 was adopted, additionally on the 3rd of March the Brisanyagmerocht [Armored Corps] was formed officially and given a seal/coat of arms. On March 8th, Radio Isantinople and Radio Yarenna both released 2 new songs on their radio stations. The next day, the Brisanyagmerocht received its General-Commander, PanzerB, which was officially approved by the Imperial Government in a public document-- as well as statement. Not to be out done, on the 10th of March the military was expanded--and more propaganda was created for them.

On March 14th, the first Estates Congress election occurred, resulting in the induction of six new congressmen. Additionally, on the 15th of March the General Staff adopted an official list of aircraft to be adopted by the Levftmerocht--not to mention the official and legal adoption of the Isantine Calendar. On the next day, March 16th, the Isantine government adopted a new Imperial Banner/Flag and Poland-Denmark under the House of Asatru became a Protectorate under the CPQC. On the same day, a new art piece called “Victory Parade” was publicized openly and spread across the empire--as well as the Federal American Empire becoming a state of the CPQC. In addition, Kanade became an new official Richtsminister [National/Imperial Minister], specifically the official foreign minister. On March 17th, the first official celebration Patriarchs and Matriarchs of Realm Day was declared and Ostergerican Saelabagt Vaehrmerocht [OSVM] is official accepted as an alternate name for the Krigszmerocht by the Imperial Government & Krigszmerocht. On March 26th, the very first democratic general election for the government began and ended only three days later.

Meanwhile, on the 28th of March the navy adopted ship department shoulder sleeve insignia, in addition on the 29th the navy also attained a full set of shoulder mark ranks for all ranks. Religious position ranks were created on April 2nd in order to allow for the official opening of religious officials’ ranks into the CPQC. Judoc Jaco received the Chevalier’s Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords, and Diamonds, in addition Prince Horthy Miklos received the Star of the Grand Cross of the Golden Cross and Citizen Andrew received the Golden Cross on the 4th of April. On April 8th, the Directorate of State Security, Directorate of Military Research, Directorate of Civil Research, National Agency of Sports, Film, and Media, Department of Universities, and Department of High Schools all opened as functioning parts of the government. This update coincide with the expansion of government ranks including Richtswerkszar [Imperial Worker], Official, Vice-Director, and the resurrected position of Director. This expansion of ranks was due to a minor population boom due the increased levels of immigration. The very next day, the Defensive Bulwark Act, of United Year 6, was adopted by the Imperial Congress of the Estates in order to expand the defensive capabilities of the Great Isantium.

In addition, on the 10th of April, the official laws were expanded upon by twice the number of original laws. Furthermore, in the same day, the military adopted a first, second, and third class for every Officer and Enlisted rank within the Vaehrmerocht [Defense Force]. On the 14th of April, the Richt vo Greote Isantiniaen [Empire of Great Isantium] was declared, along with the Kaipotai (Kaiszárial Polierszeg) [Imperial Police].

Meanwhile, Ostergerican linguistic integration began and the formation of the Greater Isantine Cooperation-Protection Sphere (GICPS) was declared. The next day Richtsminister (National/Imperial Minister) Kanade received the Medal of Grand Contribution and the Star of the Grand Cross of the Golden Cross, in addition Richtsfehret (National/Imperial Commander/Director) Carnifex also received the Medal of Grand Contribution and the Star of the Grand Cross of the Golden Cross on the very next day. Furthermore, an official list of heroes of the empire began development on April 20th, and, on April 22th, an official flag & banner for the CPQC was adopted. Upon April 26th came the redrawing of organization within the empire in accordance with the Administrative Act of United Year 6, and the same day as this occurring Vaehrmerocht officially adopt their first camouflage: Type 1 PON-TAL (Ponkeot Talcarn - "Stippled Camouflage"). The major event occurring on April 30th, Sõigricht (alternatively spelled Soygricht) literally meaning “Victorious” or “To Victory” officially became the national greeting.

On May 4th, the Emperor, himself, declared that the Isantine Empire is the official successor to the New Legion. On May 9th, a new system for military mobilization was adopted with the Emperor, on the matter, stating: “Roughly fifteen-score days and four years ago, the New Legion instituted their mobilization system and--for the first time--had a system to conscript manpower into the armed forces. This server functioned as follows: Major politicians, Council Members(/Senators), and Generals gathered men of allied or citizen origins to their banner and would be responsible for both arming as well as leading them into battle. We will bring back this system to commemorate the soon coming 5th anniversary of the founding.”

Furthermore, May 10th was declared and celebrated “Mother’s Day”, and, on May 11th, a Isantine zodiac calendar and animals were adopted officially making United Year 6 to be the Year of the Dragon--with United Year 7 set to be the Year of the Leviathan. May 16th was particularly eventful with the Britannaen Prefecture (Britaniaensai Prefecktur) being created from the newly joined British Commonwealth provinces. On May 21st, the Isantine Self-Defense Forces officially began to work with the (British) Commonwealth Armed Forces’s Royal Military College on joint-exercises as well as training. Unexpectedly, on May 23rd, the Legioenetionale Vulkspartai (LNVP) [Legion National People’s Party (LNPP)] took total control of the government with the Monarchy’s support. The first decree was the dissolution of Yarenna, Isantium, and Avancesia and the reformation of a purely Isantine Empire. Thusly, by making this decree, the Isantine Empire had attained total control of itself and regions associated with it. May 27th was when the Duchy of Varenmark was restored partially, in terms of strength and construction.

There was an award ceremony on June 4th which saw Princess Sunden Messerschmitt receive the Grand Cross of the Golden Cross for her administrative efforts in Varenmark, King Hugh of the British Commonwealth receive the Chevalier's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords for his economic and construction efforts in Varenmark, and Sir Jack of Maracobba’s Sword receive the Golden Cross for his military accomplishments and achievements within Varenmark. Furthermore, Jack was Knighted on June 4th, going from a Master Sergeant of the Imperial Isantine Army (IIA) to a Knight of the Knighthood of Maracobba’s Sword. June 5th, however, was a day of mourning as Suden Messerschmitt abdicated from the royal family, her final words to the people being:

For everyone that will read my piece, I want to tell you this: Thank you for your support and continuous growth towards the wellbeing and advancement of this community. I thank you all for supporting not only one another, but for supporting me. For those of you who knew me back when I was a mere private in the military, it has been an honor to serve in this empire. But I do not believe I am capable of holding this role forever. I have asked Franz to demote me, and to hopefully find someone who can fill my position and perform even greater feats than I have. I am proud of you all for your achievements and hope to see this community grow even larger than it is now. With my peaceful resignation, I truly do hope that this opens up a new gateway for possibilities, and new destinies that can be fulfilled. I will still be here to advise where it is needed. Again, thank you for this opportunity that I have been given. May the light shine down on this community, and bless those who embrace it.”

On June 9th, King Hugh of the British Commonwealth (who was officially declared Duke of Varenmark a day prior) gave his famous Varenheim Address: “My fellow citizens of Varenheim, and Varenese across the globe. It is with a heavy heart that I stand before you today. Over the past few weeks, as your Duke, I have witnessed a period of unprecedented growth for our Empire, and city. We have completed massive builds, and accomplished so much towards the progression of society at large. It is therefore with tremendous regret that I am hear to tell you it will have been in vain, as we will be moving the Grand Duchy of Varenmark, to Datearth. I say it will have been in vain, but not entirely so, for the bonds of friendship you will have made here, on this server, shall forever endure, and transcend servers and time. Now, you may have some questions as to how this transition will function; well, effective June 10th, we shall no longer focus our activity on this server, instead on Datearth, where our allies currently live. I understand that this may be difficult for you, as it was for us to make this decision, but rest assured you will retain all ranks, and we will see to it that you have a place of dwelling. We will now take questions.”

Furthermore, on June 9th, the Dominion of Canada of the Britannaen Prefecture had gone through a Coup D’Etat, which removed the communist regime, temporarily took power. The new monarchist regime has vowed to continue previous relations to the CPQC/Great Isantium. In addition, on June 12th, Sergeant-Major Otto/OSK received the Medal of Grand Contributions for his military service to Isantium as well as his donations and selflessness to Isantium. The seventh celebration of Founder’s Day occurred from the 13th to 15th of June. On 7 June 19th, at 2:56 AM IST, victory in the One Hour War was officially declared by the governments of Great Isantium and the Grand Duchy of Varenmark. Article 93 of the Constitution was ratified by the imperial government unanimously on the 20th of June, on the same day the Siege of Varenheim began when Spartan and elements of the Ayrinthelan military suddenly and deliberately attacked. On June 23rd, the construction of the Kaisersautobahn officially started with the authority of the imperial government, and King Hugh was declared the absolute ruler of the Britannaen Prefecture. Furthermore, on July 11th, the July Speech was given by Emperor Freyr Judoc Adalwolf of the House Conantro. Then, on 7 July 12th, Magnus Avancarius, Judoc Jaco, Princess Lena, Suden Messerschmitt, Count Jake, Swiftwind, Astall von Tielmann, Mortum,ThatEpicBoi, Southbum, ChuggaFTW, and Sir James received the Golden Alrichtheim Badge as well as the Silver Alrichtheim Badge. In addition, Chicken, Paardengekkie, Lantern, Masjar, and Fabian all received the Silver Alrichtheim Badge on the same date. On the 2nd of August, U.Y. 7, Alpha was declared innocent in the court case of Alpha V. Varenese Foreign Affairs Ministry. Later, on the 8th August, a 2-letter and 3-letter nation designation code was adopted, and the imperial government adopted an Aerial Self-Defense Forces flag, Aerial Self-Defense Forces Roundel, and a Ground Self-Defense Forces flag. On 7 August 10th, Emperor’s Commissariat for Security Affairs (T.K.D.B.) was established under the order of Emperor Francis V.

The Santhringian Period (2023-2024)

The history of the Santhringian period is incomplete, you can help by expand it.

The Holy Legionnaire Period and the Second Imperial Restoration (2024-Present)

The Duchy of Jaco became a major duchy in Greater Santhringia which was established on the 22nd April, UY 8 by imperial decree of Emperor Francis IV, ruled by His Serene Highness, Duke Judoc Jaco. The Margraviate of Magareus was established in UY 8 by imperial decree of Emperor Francis IV, ruled by His Illustrious Highness, Marquis Rommel de Magareus. The Grand Duchy of Varenmark was elevated to Kingdom status within the empire. On July 10th of UY 10, HSH, Judoc, Duke of Jaco and Prince-Bishop Sebastian of Lorayn become Knights in the Order of the Santhringian Empire (OSE). The Kingdom of Cesia instituted a Royal County system, whereby the King of Cesia would, by royal appointment, grant the office of Count, the length of which is at the King's pleasure. Immediately after this system being instituted, the County of Eger was made with its seat in Egerszentmihály. On the 9th of August in UY 11, the Settlements Under the Jurisdiction and Legislation of the Kingdom of the Cesia Act was adopted which formally created standards for settlements, including the usage of the Jaco Development Index (JDI) across the Kingdom of Cesia in light of its success within the dominions under the Duchy of Jaco. On 14 August, UY 11, King Stephen of Cesia, the Holy Legionnaire Emperor, created second Royal County called the County of Dió, with its seat being in the newly founded settlement of Dióföldvár.

List of Rulers

The Holy Legionnaire Empire alleges true legitimacy over its name through its connection to the remnants of the Legionnaire Empire, the empire which followed the New Legion's republican era, via the Conantro dynasty. The County of Conantro was a territory under the Legionnaire Empire and, as the empire was crumbling, it remained a remnant state loyal to the empire. The genealogy of the Holy Legionnaire Empire can be seen below.

List of Rulers of Precursors to the Holy Legionnaire Empire
Portrait Name and Dynasty Reign Other Titles
Jesse UY 0 UY 2 President of the Republic of Musgorod, late King of Musgorod
UGX UY 2 UY 4 Commander of the New Legion, late Dictator of the New Legion
Conantro UY 4 UY 5 Founder (Namesake) of the House of Conantro

By maintaining the imperial political institutions and culture from the days of the New Legion and the Legionnaire Empire, there was a call for the restoration of the true empire, leading to the creation of the Holy Legionnaire Empire. The Holy Legionnaire Empire was founded following succession from the imperial claimant Emperor Conantro, formerly Count Conantro, to Emperor Francis I of the House of Conantro. The Holy Legionnaire Emperors are reigned thusly:

List of Rulers of the Holy Legionnaire Empire
Portrait Name and Dynasty Reign Other Titles
Francis I von Conantro UY 5 UY 6 Lord-Protector of Vongettia
Francis II von Alrichtheim UY 6 UY 7 King of Cadestia, Founder of the House of Alrichtheim
Francis III von Hohenalheim UY 7 UY 7 King of Cadestia, Grand Duke of Varenmark, Founder of the House of Hohenalheim
Francis IV de Linúk UY 7 UY 9 King of Cadestia, Founder of the House of Linúk
Francis V Burgham UY 9 UY 11 King of Santhringia, Founder of the House of Burgham
Stephen I Almósffy de Egerszentmihály UY 11 Present King of Cesia, Founder of the House of Almósffy de Egerszentmihály