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Republic of Krameria

Flag of Krameria

Coat of Arms of Krameria


Coat of Arms

Map of Krameria

Map of Krameria

Server Icon
"Ad finem autem nos et pugnabit"
Official Languages
Form of Government Federal presidential Republic
President Antonov
Vice President Vasyl Bodosky
Founder {{{founder}}}
Current Owner {{{owner}}}
Member Count
Discord Invite

Krameria, officially the Republic of Krameria, and in its current incarnation as the Fifteenth Republic of Krameria, is an archipelago nation in Southeast Asia. It is situated in the western Pacific Ocean and consists of about seven islands, broadly categorized under four main geographical divisions: Arcadia, Latome, Dovania, and Delmont, the latter being located to the northeast of the mainland Krameria.

Krameria was founded by Kramer on January 6, 2019, and owned at various points throughout its history by Romulus, Alexandria-Plotonia, Astral Trinity, Ðóàù Helius James Xarca as de facto leader and James Hersey most prominently. It is currently known as the "Fifteenth Republic" or just "15th Republic" since January 1, 2024.



Archaic Republic (2019)

The Archaic Republic of Krameria
Owner: Kramer
January 6, 2019 - February 18, 2019

• Little is known about this period.
• Most consider this to be a time before Krameria's history truly started.
• Well known figures from this era include Kramer, Romulus, Intelllligent, Westenia, Kungfuguy and Orthosie.
• This Krameria held the same basic government structure as today with few differences.
• The major parties that began in this Krameria were the Liberal Party, Conservative Party, and Nationalist Party.
• The Kramerian Archaic Period's politics were primarily centered around roleplay and an extensive fictional lore. The nation even went so far as to introduce a fictional war with a nation created specifically for Krameria's lore.
• This Krameria was nuked in February 18, 2019 leading to the short lived "First Kramerian Civil War" between "The Free Republic of Krameria" and the "First Republic of Krameria."
• As all records from this Krameria are lost the numbering of Presidents begins with the next Krameria.

First Republic (2019)

Second Republic (2019)

Third Republic (2019)

Fourth Republic (2019-2020)

Fifth Republic (2020)

Sixth Republic (2020)

Seventh Republic (2020) (Dual Legitimacy)

The Seventh Republic of Krameria
Owner: Rambo
October 4, 2020 - October 7, 2020

• Formed near immediately after the Doau banning's it wanted to succeed Krameria as the legitimate Republic.
• Pen who was President at the time of the banning's became President of the Seventh but after One day fell inactive and fired the active VP replacing him with a complete unknown who also fell inactive thus crippling the Government and robbing it of legitimacy.
• Key players at this time were Rambo, Hersey, Pen, Bruce, Korben.
• This Government was never legitimate and the Sixth Republic continued until October 25, 2020.
• After the entire Government began to collapse from inactivity Owner and Former President Rambo worked with President Hersey to reunify the Republics.
• On October 7, 2020 Owner Rambo understood the hopelessness of trying to save the Seventh Republic and thus decided to dissolve it and return to the Sixth.
• Meanwhile the efforts to demote Doau from his status as Head Admin turned out to be fruitless. Whereas Pen has also been banned, his Vice President John Hersey has become President while he was peacefully sleeping. The only cabinet member who has not been replaced during Pen's reorganization, Secretary of Internal Affairs Aviator has then been appointed as Vice President, until one day later Joshua MacIntyre has replaced him. Due to his inactivity, another replacement has been made, making Archie his successor and having the Vice President being changed 4 times during one term.
• Due to the purge, several positions have become vacant and had to be refilled. One of the biggest losses might be the fact that the longest serving Congressman in Kramerian History, Korben, has not returned back yet which made an abrupt end to his streak.
• On October 12, 2020 the Seventh Republic Server was finally deleted by Rambo.

Eighth Republic (2020-2021)

Ninth Republic (2021) (Republic of Discord Occupation)

Tenth Republic (2021)

Eleventh Republic (2021-2022)

Twelfth Republic (2022)

The Twelfth Republic of Krameria
Owners: Alexander Legion, James Hersey, Robert Rockstar, Fu! SunGlisten
January 28, 2022 - May 2, 2022

• The Twelfth Republic was created as there was a haunting realization that Romulus was going to destroy the 11th Republic that he had just obtained ownership of.
• From John Hersey's actions in the Eleventh Republic, most Kramerians saw him unfit to own Krameria's discord server, and thus decided to have veteran Kramerian Legion own the Twelfth Republic while Hersey would remain admin and own the server's backup.
• Early Twelfth Republic politics were dominated by the reconstruction of the nation. It was decided to use a new legal structure so that a better Constitution could be implemented. Within two days, Freland easily swayed the Constitutional Convention to vote in favor of a Constitution he wrote (based on the one created in the summer of 2020).
• Additionally, the early Twelfth Republic would largely be akin to the mid-Sixth Republic, as compromises were prevalent among Kramerians, corrupt actions would be re-criminalized via the ACAF '22, and Congress would largely be effective for the first time in months. Many Sixth Republicans were also rejoining Krameria following their departure when the Eighth Republic was established.
• Following the reconstruction of the nation, activity in the nation largely began to decline, as multiple Kramerian veterans were retiring and others lacked ambition to participate.
• On March 15, Hersey would once more retire ownership, this time to Rockstar who finally got his chance to lead the server, his ownership would see Krameria's activity further plummet.
• On March 19, Rockstar would become President and would hold the longest term in Kramerian history. His administration would implement the first "simulated" elections in Krameria. Many would detest this new change as official results showed Rockstar winning re-election by "255,354,434" votes, rather than by the numbers specified on Krameria's Google form ballots.
• Krameria's activity one again started to fail during the Rockstar Administration as the general public began to lose interest.
• The Administration of Arthur Hersey Townsends would be a catastrophe as his term lasted less then a few hours and he left Krameria due to the mental strain it put on him. He would eventually recover mentally and life would improve for him, but he would not return to Krameria.
• Late into the 12th Republic, Former Presidents Fu and Bakstantsky returned to Krameria with a plot to seize control of the server.
• The duo would stage a falsified protest in the capital demanding Rockstar hold an ownership election to democratically choose the owner of Krameria. Rockstar, facing significant public pressure, relented and held ownership elections which he would end up losing to Fu. • Rockstar would surrender ownership on April 25th as Fu for the first time became a legitimate owner of an incumbent Republic.
• Fu as owner would successfully revive the 12th Republic and activity would skyrocket under owner Fu and President Puffy Hersey. Old and new Kramerian's would engage with the politics and the server would grow again.
• This hopeful state of affairs would not last as extremely suddenly and without warning the 12th Republic was suddenly dissolved. Being replaced by the Kramerian Empire with Fu as it's Emperor.
• The 12th Republic's end was accepted as despite it having been revived, there was no will to preserve it, and the majority of people active at that time were on Fu's side and supported the creation of the Empire.
• The 12th Republic's legacy would in part live on as it's constitution would be brought back for the 14th Republic, the longest lasting Republic in Kramerian history.

Kramerian Empire (2022)

Kramerian Empire


Coat of Arms Coat of Arms
Coat of arms
Motto "Ad finem autem nos et pugnabit"
Official languages English
Capital Fortitude
Government - Federal Presidential Empire
First Emperor
 - Fu! SunGlisten
Last Emperor
 - DeWitt Polski
First President De Jure
 - Puffy Hersey
First President De Facto
 - DeWitt Polski
Last President
 - Thomas Khin
First Holding Owner
 - Fu! SunGlisten
Last Holding Owner
 - Mcl5
First Vice De Jure
 - SmashingThreePlates
First President De Facto
 - Deegan Hersey
Last Vice President
 - Copley

The Kramerian Empire
Owners: Fu! SunGlisten, L0GAN, Mcl5
May 2, 2022 - June 10, 2022

• Influential Imperial Kramerians include: Fu! SunGlisten, Ling Hades, Aviator, DeWitt Polski, Mcl5, L0GAN, Thomas Khin, Puffy Hersey, Copley and Deegan.
• Fu!'s power grab was successful as his declaration was met with no resistance as the 12th Republic was a failed rump state by the time of his takeover.
• The creation of the Empire saw the old constitution thrown out and Congress Replaced with "National Delegates to the Constitutional Convention".
• Emperor Fu! overthrew the President Puffy Hersey and Vice President SmashingThreePlates but later had their roles restored at Hersey's request.
• During the Empire's reign Emperor Fu! was obsessed with other affairs. He spent the majority of his time in other servers attempting to build up a website wide Empire for Krameria.
• This is the first Kramerian State to actively seek out conflict and confrontation, joining the Torch Pact it would go to war with states like the Authority.
• President Puffy would resign and by law SmashingThreePlates would become President but Fu! refused to recognize it as he wanted the first President to take over in the Empire to have been elected and didn't see the Vice President as legitimate due to Krameria being in a "state of transition". Leaving SmashingThreePlates as Krameria's first de jure President.
• DeWitt Polski would be the first President elected within the Empire and would be inactive during his term. Leading to his defeat by well known Kramerian Nuker Ling Hades.
• The return of L0GAN to RoD saw him successfully trick Fu! into handing ownership of Krameria over to him.
• The Hades Administration would be limp as the Empire was starting to see a decline in activity during this time. President Hades would wait for his Vice President to resign before himself resigning to intentionally sabotage the Government by leaving it without a President. This gambit failed as by the time of his resignation the Empire was in a destitute state and no one had cared that Krameria lacked a President.
• On June 5, Emperor Fu! had become dystonic with the State of Krameria. Deciding to give up, the man who had dragged Krameria into this unprecedented age decided it wasn't worth it anymore. And thus he abandoned his post. Fled and left.
• L0GAN was uninterested with Owning Krameria and thus after offering it back to Fu! only to be rejected handed it over to Mcl5.
• Aviator had taken over as Head Admin after Fu! departure and allowed it to rot with inactivity. Appointing inactive's as senior admins and taking little care to revive the Empire.
• A poll was conducted to gage support for the Empire over a potential return of the Republic. The Republic had overwhelming support but Aviator ignored the poll and decided to maintain the Empire.
• DeWitt was elected Emperor by a special council and declared himself to be "the next Augustus". He would go inactive and do nothing to stop the collapse of the Empire.
• The final collapse of the Empire came when on June 10 when Hersey returned to Krameria and offered to co-own Krameria with Mcl5. Michael agreed and Hersey was made co-owner. Hersey right away declared "the Republic Reborn". This declaration was seen overwhelmingly negatively as those in the chat at the time supported maintaining the Empire including the appointed Vice President. The public's reaction, however, would carry little impact on Hersey's decision, as he went through with his plans and officially dissolved the Kramerian Empire, establishing a 13th Republic.

Thirteenth Republic (2022)

The Thirteenth Republic of Krameria
Owners: Mcl5
June 10, 2022 11:28 PM - June 11, 2022 12:53 AM

• Influential 13th Republicans include: James Hersey, Mcl5 and Anthony Nelson.
• The 13th Republic was the shortest one yet, not even surviving two hours.
• The 13th Republic is the only in Kramerian history to only be made up of "appointed President(s)". Because of this, many would see this republic as Krameria's first "governmental dictatorship" as opposed to a democracy.
• Created after the slow decay of the Empire marking it's end with Hersey declaring the "Rebirth of the Republic!".
• The reaction to its creation was generally negative with most preferring the Imperial system maintained.
• Following it's destruction Micheal concluded that God simply did not want him to own Krameria and it wasn't meant to be.
• Its creation was an enigma as both Mcl5 and Hersey agreed that the Empire was still "technically" a legal entity and that the new Republic was not replacing it, only acting as a transition government until a legitimate successor could be established.
• The creation of this 13th Republic saw Hersey ignore the deal previously made however and he dissolved the Empire anyways.
• Just an hour after the Thirteenth Republic's creation, Fu! returned to use his holder account with ownership to destroy the Republic.

Fourteenth Republic (2022-2024)

The Fourteenth Republic of Krameria
Owners: James Hersey, Chloe Harris-Kite, Freland, William Horning, Alexander Legion, James Hersey
June 11, 2022 - January 1, 2024

• Influential 14th Republicans include: James Hersey, Alexander Legion, Jay Faraday, Freland, Rockstar, Neel Bakstantsky, Nordiskiy, Puffy Hersey, Resprune Asatru, Chloe Harris-Kite, Gaius Retter Nobody, Van, Stunt, William Horning, Ahzek Ahriman, Aviator, Polky Kaedus, Dr. Godzilla, Cosmical, Alexandria-Plotonia, Alexander, Blossom Moonlight, Luna Claire Moulton, Broski Biden, Frederick North, Italian Hersey, Stanley Starton, Semisol, Fu, John Smith, Rambo, Francis Bautista, Romulus, Sanders and Theta Sigma.
• The Fourteenth Republic was created by veteran Kramerian John Hersey as a "tomb" to house Kramerian history, which he then considered to be dead. Upon announcing his intentions to archive the nation and to cease operations, veteran Kramerian Rockstar exclaimed that Krameria must continue and hinted at creating his own Fourteenth Republic. In an attempt to preserve Kramerian unity, Hersey allowed Rockstar to manage the server, which successfully continued political operations after some time.
• Hersey was initially pessimistic about the future of Krameria, yet after altering his mentality toward managing the server, he reportedly began to experience success and satisfaction with its condition. On June 23, Hersey officially declared that the nation was in an “active” position.
• In the Fourteenth Republic’s first General Election, Bakstansky was elected for his fifth Presidency. Upon becoming President, he proposed and successfully passed the Twelfth Republic’s Constitution, thus seeing it re-enacted. • The first major political event of the 14th Republic was the Pokemon Riots, also known as the Midnight Riots, which occured on June 19, 2022.
• Initially, members Archie and Legion decided to have a pokemon battle using the bot "PokeTwo". The President at the time, Rockstar, who was also a member of the Triad, objected to the use of the bot in the Fortitude chat.
• Despite objections, Archie and Legion continued to battle, having two battles before their attention was turned to Rockstar.
• Rockstar then voiced his opinion that PokeTwo should be banned, which created an argument within the capital. This argument then spurred into a vote within the staff chat to ban the bot. Rockstar initially voted to ban the bot, but changed his vote to nay so long as the bot's use was relegated to a separate channel. • The public was notified about the decision, however despite the decision the movement was not over.
• At 2:00 AM EST, Dr. Godzilla sent the message "I LOVE POKEMON. This message was soon sent repeatedly by Legion, and soon after multiple people started repeating it. Calls for President Rockstar to be resigned or impeached were also repeated.
• Soon after, Fortitude was covered in the message "I LOVE POKEMON". President Rockstar was at first unaware of the situation, since he was working on Executive Order 002, which designated June 19th as "Kramerian Pokemon Revolution Day" and made Pokemon battling illegal in any channel except #pokemon-battle.
• Once he was alerted of the situation, Rockstar tried to stop the protests, but was unable to due to his administrative powers being taken away for approximately one hour. The riot continued for around 9 minutes. They stopped when Rockstar appeared emotionally distraught over the whole situation and threatened to resign office.
• The situation was resolved at approximately 2:12 AM when Hersey archived the original Fortitude chat and replaced it with a new capital. The Pokemon Riots later brought conversations about what qualifies as protest or a riot and what the powers of the President should be to resolve the situation.
• The early Fourteenth Republic saw the return of various veteran Kramerians, such as Cosmical, Freland (albeit in a historian state retired from politics), Chief Justice Tejedor, Archie, Stunt (as a private citizen), Foxglove, Fu, Rambo, and Alexandria-Plotonia (as a private citizen).
• Influential newcomers to the Fourteenth Republic included Resprune Ásatrú and Chloe Harris-Kite.
• In late June-early July of 2022, Congress would demonstrate activity levels not seen since the summer of 2020, passing multiple pieces of major legislation including the ACAJ '22 and First Kramerian Economic Package.
• Contrary to the sentiments of most Kramerians, Cosmical was happy about the re-establishment of Fortitude, and stated that the Court needed to go further and render the Constitution in effect during the Fourteenth Republic as illegitimate due to how it "never passed Congress" (the truth of this claim not being confirmed nor denied). Cosmical additionally claimed this about Fortitude's statehood status, despite the fact that the statehood in question was stripped via a Constitutional amendment in the Eleventh Republic.
• Following a heated exchange between various Kramerians and Romulus in Fortitude's public square, Cosmical proceeded to leave Krameria out of anger and sympathy for Romulus.
• In mid-August, just as numerous individuals were developing plans to reform Krameria, a myriad of individuals began to drift away from the server due to a combination of burnout and pessimism for its future. Most notably, Assistant KEB Director Stunt resigned from his position and claimed that he did not see Krameria improving any time soon. Additionally, Rambo would resign from all his government and staff positions be one of four individuals to form the "New Kramerian Republic" (alongside Marwick, Tom, and Aviator), which was composed of individuals tired of the Republic's state and of Hersey's ownership.
• This would see Hersey form the group chat known as the "Committee for the restoration of Krameria", in which he would call on those distancing themselves from the server to state their problems so that the remaining dedicated members could work to solve them. After two weeks, the group chat would identify the fundamental issues and begin implementing them in the Plotonia Administration. In this administration, veteran Kramerian Freland would largely act as Acting President and unilaterally issue laws and executive orders under the Fourteenth Republic's first Legislative Emergency.
• In early September of 2022, however, the short term activity generated by Acting President Freland would largely deteriorate, as elections would be late. This would cause prominent Latome politician William Horning to involve himself in federal affairs and lead a movement to open polls. Given that the KEB had failed in their duties, Freland would proceed to do so in his capacity as staff.
• This period would see Naturegamer be the first President to assume office on the expiration of a term. As Father of Congress, he did so under a vacant Vice Presidency, vacant Congressional Speakership, and vacant Cabinet.
• On August 14th, Hersey, deciding that he had down enough of a good job as owner to warrent retirement, decided to pass ownership along to Former Vice President Chloe Harris-Kite. This move was criticized across the mock government community as many distained the idea of a woman becoming owner. Ling Hades opposed the move because he felt it was an attempt by Hersey to hold onto power though a puppet and that the general public did not get to vote on the next owner. • In the subsequent election, Cosmical would be elected President and would promise to revitalize Krameria with lasting activity. Additionally, Cosmical would support a movement against the Kramerian staff team and owner Chloe Harris-Kite, who was given the position by Hersey in August.
• In August, Freland successfully instituted the Judiciary Amendment, which imposed new methods to keep the Supreme Court in check following Cosmical V. The Republic." • Early into his Presidency, Cosmical aligned himself with those who opposed Chloe's ownership. Among these included Polky, Hades, Godzilla, and Ash Ricci. These individuals were all part of a nation known as "Kalvaria" and advertised their server frequently. Furthermore, they deemed Chloe to be inherently tyrannical without explaining why. Because of these two factors, various individuals (such as Fu and Chloe) concluded that this was some attempt to bolster Kalvaria by putting Krameria down.
• Although President Cosmical opposed Chloe and largely distrusted her, he still compromised with her to further his own agenda. As President, he had the government negotiate with her to bring about staff reform. This would lead to a compromise which instituted moderator elections to experiment with elected staff.
• In late September of 2022, President Cosmical discovered the true intent of the Kalvarians. Their intent was to stir opposition for Chloe and thus push Krameria to the brink of a new republic; following this, they would attempt to make this new republic socialist. Seeing this as foreign interference and manipulative, Freland and Cosmical resolved against them, as Cosmical would cut them off as advisors. Right after this happened, however, Godzilla would unseat Cosmical for the Presidency.
• Cosmical's subsequent rhetoric would largely be antagonistic toward the Kalvarians. He would frequently verbally bash them, and would insult them constantly. For his fits of anger, Cosmical frequently apologized.
• Once their plot was discovered, slowly yet surely the Kalvarians would pull out. They stopped demonizing Chloe and slowly stopped participating. By December of 2022, their involvement had ceased completely.
• In late September of 2022, Fu passed his long-awaited new Constitution. In doing so, he brought about a new Congressional system (with seven Congressional seats being distributed in accordance with a state's voter turnout) and introduced the possibility for Krameria to use two-round voting. Fu's Constitution additionally made Fortitude a "federal district", which would be used as a talking point in early 2023's discourse.
• In October of 2022, there were new calls on Chloe to resign. She had unilaterally attempted to institute a party system, which went against the government's policy on political parties at the time. Thus, Chloe agreed to an ownership election on the condition that Freland would be her opposition. In the resulting election, Freland would win with 75% of the vote to Chloe's 25%.
• Once elected owner, Freland would begin pursuing ambitions to democratize the staff. He introduced an amendment to the staff compact which would make the owner and impartial overseer and see the head of staff elected. This was opposed by both active staff members, Chloe and Fu. Thus, most of Freland's reforms failed.
• In late October of 2022, a person known as "Caesarian" began participating in Krameria. Staff would be suspicious when he was offended at someone asking who he was, yet ultimately took no action. On being elected President, he would reveal himself to be former President Alexander, a controversial canvasser in August of 2020. Suspiciously, President Alexander introduced a bill to legalize canvassing while he was President (which failed Congress) Thus, many Kramerians would be suspicious of his second Presidency. Congress, however, would not move forth Articles of Impeachment as they did during his first Presidency. Regardless, Alexander resigned six days into office.
• Following Alexander's resignation, President Blossom Moonlight pardoned him on all potential canvassing charges. This would spark controversy and disapproval for the Moonlight Administration.
• In the Election of November 4, 2022, a historic controversy would arise. James Hersey noticed on November 5 that KEB Director Rockstar deleted the votes of Wakefield and Romulus illegitimately. Re-calculating the results with William Horning and Freland, they discovered that the election which saw Broski Biden initially win the Presidency actually resulted in a tie between Biden and newcomer Frederick North. Thus, the KEB backtracked. Given that there were no tie-breaking laws at the time, the KEB held a runoff between the two candidates, which North won by a single vote (obtaining 16 votes to Biden's 15). The Biden Administration was thus deemed illegitimate, and the North Administration commenced.
• For his mistake in the November 4 General Election, Rockstar would face harsh criticism from the Kramerian people. Because of this, he would resign as KEB Director. Hersey would then take office as KEB Director for a single day.
• In December of 2022, Italian surpassed Rockstar as the longest consecutive-serving President. He served from November 19 through the entire month of December, up until the first day of 2023.
• In early Janaury, 2023, Freland and William Horning proposed the "New Electoral Deal", which encompassed a bill reorganizing the KEB and a Constitutional amendment formalizing recall elections and tie-breaking procedures. Both documents would be ratified.
• Early January would also see the election of Chloe Harris-Kite to the Presidency. On becoming President, Chloe introduced numerous reforms, including the abolition of the Departments of Activity and Defense, a new economic bill, and the abolition of the embassies category. All reforms would pass Congress and be enacted.
• In late January, Freland proposed two amendments to flesh out the judiciary. One formalized that the Supreme Court would thereafter preside over all impeachment trials, and the second fleshed out the position of Chief Justice and the judicial rules and procedures.
• On February 12, 2023, influential Congressional Deputy Speaker Starton would file a Constitutional case to the Supreme Court on the basis that the KEB illegitimately removed 2 votes from an election. He alleged that they could still vote even while lacking a state, since voting was a fundamental right. The KEB countered this, alleging that Krameria's power derived from the people of its states, and that the Constitution only granted states the right to vote. They additionally stated that the "right to vote" article was too inexplicit to mean what Starton alleged it means. The Supreme Court mainly ruled with Starton, yet stated that the two votes could be removed from Congressional elections. Since the Presidency is a national vote, however, the Supreme Court ruled that voting is a fundamental right, and even implied that non-citizens may have the right to vote in the future.
• In response to this ruling, Freland proposed a Constitutional amendment which mandated all citizens to reside in a state, stated that all voting was for citizens, and clarified that no citizen could be stripped of their right to vote. Starton opposed this amendment, mainly because he alleged it "undermined Starton V. KEB." With this allegation, Starton successfully convinced Congress to oppose Freland's amendment. In response to this, Freland offered to remove the state section of the amendment. Starton would be unresponsive to his negotiation efforts.
• Freland additionally proposed a Constitutional amendment granting Congress the ability to investigate government officials for eventual impeachments. Most Congressmen opposed this amendment, as they thought investigations should remain with the Department of Justice. Freland proceeded to clarify his intentions, being weary of Attorney Generals that were just cronies of corrupt Presidents, yet Congress did little to respond to him.
• In March, William Horning was distasteful of Fortitude's status and thus proposed an amendment that would grant it full statehood. This amendment was rejected by Congress. During this time, he would additionally propose an amendment allowing for the use of Single Transferable Vote. This amendment would be ratified.
• In Congress, meanwhile, Deputy Speaker Starton would encourage and attempt the practice of tabling, which was certified by Vice President Cosmical. Speaker Luna Moulton, however, would put a halt to this, stating that it was not permitted in the Congressional rules and procedures (as no part of the procedures mentioned tabling). While this issue never went to court, Moulton proposed the "Anti-Tabling Amendment", which would make tabling bills unconstitutional. This amendment failed Congress.
• In April, Moulton proposed an amendment allowing for new states to be created under certain conditions and with Congressional approval. While passing Congress, this amendment would fail the national referendum.
• In late April, many formerly influential Kramerians would flock back to the nation, those of whom included Rambo, Legion, Ahzek Ahriman, Rockstar, and Matt. This would spark a new wave of positive activity. Additionally, various newcomers were becoming involved, such as Semisol.
• On March 20th, a discord user named Stephe joined Krameria and on the 21st began attempting to destigmatize pedophilia. His attempt was faced with mass outrage and even more outrage was caused at the staff teams slowness to ban him. This even caused Hersey to come out of retirement to attempt to force the staff team to ban him. Freland would finally become aware of the situation and himself threaten to take action if Stephe was not banned, he eventually would be.
• On April 2nd, Hersey would be banished for the first time from Krameria. This would happen following his comments towards Resprune. The banishment was carried out by Owner Horning without a vote. Hersey would ask Freland to unban him and on the 6th, Hersey returned, this would cause Aviator to leave the server out of anger.
• Upon becoming involved, Rambo would quickly win the Presidency. On becoming President, Rambo proposed the "Government Supremacy Amendment", which would see the government denounce the staff-government separation and demand control over the staff team. Seeing this as problematic, William Horning and Chloe Harris-Kite announced that not only would the staff team reject this amendment, but that the government would no longer have the ability to pass anything similar. Horning and Chloe attempted to impose their own control over the government by taking away their ability to acknowledge reality and imposing a "meta/rp divide". This would be met with outrage, as instability took hold for the first time in 11 months. This would mark the start of the Roleplay Riots. After several failed attempts to defend the decision Federated, Starton and several others threatened to succeed if the decision was not reversed, seeing this, both Horning and Chloe fled the nation, and ownership was passed to Kramerian veteran Legion.
• As owner Legion would quickly reinstate Hersey as a Triad and the two would rebuild the now gutted staff team as by the end of the riots Puffy Hersey was the sole remaining staff member from before Legion took over. Owner Horning and Triad Chloe had fled, Aviator resigned and left, Hersey demoted and banned prior.
• Although a majority would favor Rambo's Government Supremacy Amendment, it would not receive the 2/3 needed to be ratified and failed by one vote, the deciding vote, cast by Rui, would doom the amendment as he misclicked. Thus, the staff and government were kept separate and free to each pursue their own respective ambitions. This would also mark the end of Rockstar from the nation, as a testament for this service for the nation, he was banned for life by the owners for trying to ask for his recognition of his work.
• The following month would see Kramerian activity plummet but stabilize as President Puffy Hersey lead the ship of state. His administration though would be seen as inactive and accomplishing little and thus would lead to the electoral return of Fu! SunGlisten to the Presidency on June 4th. Fu had not been President since the 8th Republic in 2021 and his last position held was Kramerian Emperor during the Empire the year before. As President Fu and Speaker John Smith brought activity to the server and reinvigorated the Federal Government.
• This activity would continue on unimpeded until on June 7th, when Fu took a hard switch into Ultra-Christian nationalism. This saw him, with the help of Attorney General and Speaker John Smith rapidly pass several laws concerning theology and it's relationship to the government. The most controversial being the Ethical Elections Act also known as the Divine Elections Act. This heavily restricted who was allowed to serve in the government and blacklisted women, trans people and members of the LGBTQ community. After failing to halt the law in the Supreme Court, the admins violated the staff government separation and forcibly removed President Fu and Speaker Smith from office under the pretense of ToS violations, banning them. Fu would not return to Krameria until October 9th, four entire months since he was banned. John Smith was never unbanned. • After his banning, Vice President Hersey would become President briefly before resigning. The Presidency would then illegally pass to now Speaker Calvin, who was in actuality a Fu alt. When it was learned that Secretary of Defense Bautista was actually to inherit the Presidency through being Secretary of Defense -> Attorney General -> Vice President, Calvin fled Krameria.
• Bautista's term as President would be generally uneventful and he would lose re-election by a single vote to Hersey.
• Hersey ran for President with Lofi Radio as his running mate, a music bot, and managed to win. The most controversy of his two week term arose from Vice President Radio's non-human status. Congress and membership rallied around the Vice President and called for her removal, however Congress would be notoriously slow in actually taking such action with an impeachment resolution only coming a week into the term. The impeachment itself was rushed and Hersey tried to nullify it by declaring it was written and passed incorrectly. The attempt failed and Lofi was successfully impeached, however the trial would not actually begin until Hersey left office by resigning an hour before the end of his term, giving the Presidency to Lofi. The trial would end up convicting her and Former Owner Horning's lawsuit seeking to disqualify her from holding office would succeed. Both after she left office.
• The most significant event during Hersey's term on a legislative side was the creation of a lower chamber of Congress, the House of Commons. Hersey rallied against this and tried to stop it's creation to no avail. It would be a drain on activity for the first month before picking up during the Romulus Revival.
• On June 11th, the 14th Republic turned one year old, something no other Republic had ever achieved, with the runner ups being the 11th Republic at 256 days, and the 6th Republic at 165.
• On June 17, Romulus returned to Krameria. Soon after on the 23rd he was nominated and became a Supreme Court Justice. He'd soon make a run for President with Hersey as his running mate and win on July 2nd, officially marking the beginning of the Romulus revival that lasted 90 days and ended on September 30th.
• Romulus' term as President saw an enormous upward flight of activity and saw a massive uptick of newcomer Kramerians and old veterans. Many of whom were accused of being close or alts of Romulus himself. He'd easily win re-election on July 14th. Hersey by this time had resigned as Vice President and Attorney General Overlord had slipped into the role.
• Overlord would prove to be the single most unpopular Vice President of all time for his irritating manner of speaking, taking advantage of Discord's bold text feature using "#" before every single sentence, his sycophantism to Romulus, and general inactivity and lack of knowledge. The sycophantism and inactivity in particular lead many to believe he was an alt of Romulus. Despite all these things Overlord would be kept on as Vice President for the second and third terms as an "insurance policy" as Romulus would state.
• During this era Romulus would attempt to revive RoD 1 under his leadership beginning on June 4th and ending on July 14th when he lost interest and saw that RoD 15 had not yet fully ended
• On August 6th, there was a recall attempt against Romulus for numerus reasons, the recall would ultimately fail and Romulus would gloat about having won a "fourth term". • Romulus would leave office on August 12th and would be replaced by SDLP nominee Tuck Frump, also known as Roosie. His term would be relatively inactive and Romulus, feeling injured by the prior recall attempt would run and win an actual fourth term right after Frump's. This term saw Romulus take a more hands off approach and the most notable aspect was Rhenic being nominated and confirmed as Vice President as Rom had not chosen a running mate.
• After Romulus "retired", Paramount Republic politician Napland Hersey would try for the office and win in an upset. He would hold mediocre activity and shockingly win a second term against National Republican Party nominee Redd and Social Democratic Labour Party nominee and Former President Ernie Korben.
• Just days after his re-election, on the 25th the staff came out and declared large parts of the citizenry who had been pivotal in the revival to potentially be alts of Romulus. Instead of fighting the claims all declared outrage at even being accused and outright refused to co-operate in any way to prove their innocents. President Napland himself was accused and left his final message as President declaring his concern at the accusations on the 26th of September. He would never come online again.
• After deliborations by the Triad the following were convicted of being alts and were removed; Overlord, Dale Gribble, Orville R. Cellar, Burtq, Amplified, John Locke. Overlord's conviction would be undone a month later on October 20th.
• As a product of his inactivity the first ever successful recall of a President was initiated and successfully removed Napland as President on the 30th. James Hersey once again became President at that time.
• Hersey would resign on the 5th of October sparking a worrying trend in politics that would last until the 24th where there was rapid resignation, removal, recall or banishment of Presidents. The month of October 2023 saw the single most Presidencies of any in history with Hersey, Noridskiy, Mac, Biden, AOL, Bautista, Ludwig, XP, Sanders, Sigma, Fu, Ahriman and IffyUr all serving as President.
• On October 7th Broski Biden would return to the Presidency to massive fanfare and would prove himself to be one of the most active Presidents of the year, however his Presidency would come crashing down as Speaker Sanders would go after him for seizing inactive news networks and canvassing during the election. On October 10, Biden attempted to nullify the impeachment charged by resigning as President and having now President AOL declare martial law and put him back in office. This process was done incorrectly and would lead to Secretary of Defense Bautista to become President again in an almost word for word repeat of his ascension in June
• Bautista would resign as President on the 18th leaving the Presidency to longtime Second Republican Ludwig who used the office to troll before himself resigning. Vice President Vee XP briefly assumed the Presidency before it was leaned that he was actually illegitimately Vice President and the line of succession was meant to pass to Speaker Sanders who had served in cabinet a few days longer.
• Sanders as President had to face the rapid rise of fascism in Krameria as secret fascist and Former Internal Affairs Secretary Theta Sigma returned to Krameria to launch a bid for the Presidency with Fu as his running mate. Sanders would fail to halt it's rise and Sigma was easily elected. His day long term as President saw the 14th Republic unify more than ever before in history as Sigma's rapid descent into authoritarian fascism and unhinged instability left him with absolutely zero support past the first hour of his Presidency.
• Sigma's administration despite being less than a day long permanently changed the 14th Republic forever. His open fascism and attempts to overthrow, take control and keep control of the government were met with unified resistance as impeachment charges, a recall and eventual banishment ensured his "Kramerian Reich" died one day in.
• Following Sigma's banishment Fu would become President during the recall attempt and would himself be recalled a day later as he was Sigma's Vice President. This would see KEB Director Ahzek Ahriman Hersey become President as Speaker Starton became the first Kramerian in history to refuse the Presidency. Ahriman became President as there was a gap between when the recall results were posted and when the new President was elected, creating a void that Ahriman filled through the LoS. Ahriman's term brought to further light a disturbing trend of recent Presidents attempting to forcibly dissolve the 14th Republic. Sanders, Sigma and Ahriman all attempted to do so, with Sanders and Ahriman doing so "jokingly".
• After being evicted as President Fu would sue to reclaim his office, arguing that the recall did not effect the Vice President and he should have remained as President until the election was over. The results of the case are yet undecided.
• Former Vice President IffyUr who had not been active since the 11th Republic in 2021 and who rejoined Krameria on July 23, 2024, won the Presidency in a massive upset as most of the night saw Former President Cosmical hold the lead.
• President IffyUr promised to stabilize the government and finish the Presidential term. he was the direct opposite of Sigma who was a brash, angry, vicious fascist as IffyUr was a calm, quiet and kind social democrat.
• On October 24th, 2023, the 14th Republic became 500 days old, An achievement never before seen in Kramarian history. One day later on the 25th, Krameria grew to it's largest size in history at 400 members.
• On October 27th, a recall against President IffyUr would begin for his alleged inactivity, bringing in the 14th President in a single month.

Fourteenth Republic B (2023-2024)

Fifteenth Republic (2024-)

• The Fifteenth Republic was created due to the raids in Bloody November, with James Hersey creating the server with assistance from Michael Bape. It took nearly a month and a half to get the Fifteenth started after the raids, happening on January 1st. • The day of the Fifteenth's declaration, Yankees Sanders sued Michael Bape, Bautista, Desmodium, James Hersey, and a few others for the mass-pingings on New Years. • The country went into a slight panic when they realized a majority of bills had been undone, which led to a lot of bills being brought forward into Congress in a very short amount of time. • The first ever President in the fifteenth Republic, Desmodium and his Vice-President Michael Bape began work, with Desmodium immediately reordering Executive Orders 711-715 following the new Republic, and introduced the Economic Revival Act to stimulate the economy. • The server faced a slight period of inactivity and peace, while Desmodium introduced a forum channel titled the 'department-of-larp' on January 7th. • The same day, Yankees Sanders was nominated to the position of Supreme Court, with Desmodium's bipartisan coalition (consisting of himself, Bape, Matt, Doau, Bautista, DeWitt, Sempronius, Nord, Luna, and Ahzek) approved Sanders' nomination by one vote. This led to Sanders resigning from almost all of his government positions, and the KEB. • Desmodium won re-election on January 11th in a landslide victory, obtaining 65% of the first choice votes, with Italian Hersey gaining 25%. • Due to allegations of staff abuse, Yankees Sanders was dismissed from KBC Director, and replaced with Sempronius. • A higherup of the UIX, and longtime friend of Michael Bape, Cryptique ended up doxxing Bape's real name, this led to Krameria banning him, removing the Prussia bot (due to it flagging Bape as a raider), and cutting off ties with the UIX. • Desmodium implemented a wealth tax for individuals active over the past week, requiring them to pay a 5% tax to the treasury. • The server faced slight inactivity, with Desmodium introducing multiple bills, up until he introducted Executive Order 721, which prohibited the transfer of funds from the main server account to Latome's treasury, this led to a slight riot from Yankees Sanders, who ended up suing Desmodium and his administration. This order, alongside Executive Order 720 was undone. • As the elections hit, Michael Bape began to do interviews with each of the Presidential candidates, consisting of; Oliver Olive Oliver, Deegan Hersey, Sempronius Hersey, Italian Hersey, and Samuel. This led to Bape creating a document, with each of the transcripts of each interview, alongside having endorsements from popular members of the server endorsing certain members. • The Presidential Debates rolled around hosted by Bape, and Italian Hersey was unable to make it. The debates showed many passion on all sides, but most were disappointed with Sempronius' inability to answer what his real goals are, instead opting for a 'better tomorrow'. • As the election started, Deegan seemed to be winning, and most active members threw support behind him, as Sempronius got unmotivated. Desmodium threw his support behind Sempronius. • In a shocking turn of events, Sempronius ended up winning the Presidency on January 27th, this led to riots in the capital, stating Sempronius wasn't fit to be President, with some looking for a recall. • Sempronius was sworn in, and Michael Bape was put as Secretary of State, Oliver Olive Oliver was put as Secretary of LARP, and Desmodium was put as Secretary of Internal Affairs, Secretary of Finance, Supreme Legionnaire, and Deputy Chief of Staff. • Following the Dovanian arena games, Sempronius Hersey was uncomfortable, and ended up leaving the games, stating that the people who participated in it, especially the host (Matt) are barbaric, and that this goes beyond his moral code. This led to a debate between staff on what should happen to the games, though they eventually settled on adding a trigger warning next time. • Krameria entered an alliance with Presernova Imperio, as the President, the Secretary of State, and their Kaiser Louis Philippe had a meeting, and a treaty (Treaty of Presernovapolis) was signed. • On January 27th, 2024, Michael Bape became the first person to receive a Triumph. • Secretary of State Michael Bape, with President Sempronius's approval, proposed the 'Harsh Diplomat Act', intending to remove voting rights for Foreign Diplomats in elections and categorize high-government officials from other countries as Foreign Diplomats. • Yankees Sanders initiated a groundbreaking court case, arguing that since Former President Desmodium wasn't sworn in during the transition to the 15th, all Executive Orders and bills from his administration should be nullified. • Michael Bape and President Sempronius formed an alliance with the Second British Empire, but Carl Swiff's revelation that treaties required Congressional approval initially voided the alliance. However, after Congressional approval on February 1st, the alliance was formalized alongside the Treaty of Presernovapolis. • Drama hit the country when Yankees Sanders assumably sued former President Desmodium again on January 30th, this time for a joke Executive Order changing his name to "dhhsjwojdbejhqsvho", however instead of suing Desmodium, Sanders sued the Republic itsself. • Sanders v. Republic (24-0119) led to much drama and riots on Feburary 1st and 2nd, as Francis Bautista defended the republic, stating that Sanders' name could be changed due to problem with diplomatic actions as Sanders was the Director of the Bureau of Diplomacy, and people might improperly associate him with Bernie Sanders. This led to Michael Bape and James Hersey bringing this forward to the Staff Team, with the Staff having to make a formal vote saying that they would not abide by any order to change people's usernames against their will, regardless of court vote or not. • On Feburary 2nd, after the riots were over, Michael Bape brought forward the One Krameria Policy act, declaring that the Republic of Krameria would no longer recognize the NKR, and Adam Taurus (Marwick) would be declared a terrorist. This passed Congress, and was heavily supported by the President, and this led to the President making a speech, declaring the Republic of Krameria the only Krameria. This would also lead to the banishment of Former Vice President and Former Moderator Anthony Nelson. • President Sempronius signed into law the Citizen Transactions Act on February 4th, 2024. • On the same day, Michael Bape was nominated for the position of KEB Director. • The 'Diplomacy Defined Act' was signed by the President, leading to capital drama involving Matt, Carl Swiff, and Michael Bape debating its legality. When it was discovered that the constitution had been accidentally edited by Carl Swiff instead of his "working copy," the bill was deemed legal. • On February 6th, 2024, Sempronius nominated James Hersey for the third-ever Triumph. • The Currency Exchange Act, crafted by Desmodium Bape, was signed into law, establishing a framework for economic collaboration between Krameria and its allies. • Oliver Olive Oliver Bape was dismissed from the Secretary of LARP position, with Crackpot Cosmical taking his place on February 6th. • The second federal budget, authored by Desmodium Bape, was signed into law. • Sempronius Hersey signed the Treaty of Corvallis with Unified Realms on February 7th, 2024. • On February 8th, 2024, debates commenced in the capital involving Carl Swiff, Deegan Hersey, Michael Bape, Desmodium Bape, Sempronius Hersey, and others. Carl Swiff and Sempronius Hersey engaged in an argument about his administration, leading to Sempronius, who had recently become Moderator, warning Carl Swiff for roleplay actions. The warning was nullified by the staff team. • Michael Bape shared with the server how he reconciled with Cryptique after an incident where Cryptique doxxed his name in a different server. His attempt to get Cryptique unbanned was rejected by the staff team. • On February 9th, 2024, Bape and Desmodium confronted Sempronius about his actions the previous day. Sempronius accused both of being traitors and claimed Desmodium personally attacked him the day before. This escalated with Bape yelling at Sempronius, and this led to Sempronius leaving, leaving Krameria without it's President. • Linnaeus Hersey quickly assumed the role of President and was sworn into office by Bape. He wasted no time in nominating Ashtion Zen Bape as his vice-president. • Linnaeus resigned shortly after becoming President, leaving Ashtion Zen Bape to serve as President for 5 hours. • Ashtion Zen Bape assumed office on February 10th, 2024, and promptly awarded himself medals, including the newly created Presidential Medal of Ash. • The ballots, prepared by Michael Bape, were released on February 10th, 2024, resulting in Deegan Hersey winning the Presidency. • Deegan immediately terminated Desmodium from his positions as Supreme Legionnaire and Deputy Chief of Staff, and removed Luna Claire Moulton from Internal Affairs, appointing Former President Linnaeus to handle internal affairs. • Latome faced another crisis when newly elected moderator Crackpot Cosmical claimed that Yankees Sanders was denying him his rightfully elected governorship of Latome. This sparked a heated debate, with Dovanian Governor Michael Bape and extreme Dovanian Nationalist Matt arguing over whether Dovania should intervene to assist Governor Cosmical. Although initially advised for Dovanian involvement, this suggestion was ultimately rejected. Under the orders of Secretary of Defense Bautista, the Kramerian Armed Forces assumed control of Latome. • Cosmical resigned from the staff team. • There was capital drama between Stanley Starton and Ashtion Zen Bape on February 10th, 2024, with Starton misgendering Ash and confusing him with a member of a previous Republic. This upset Ash, eventually leading to Ahzek issuing a warning to Starton. • Later that day, Flurple Derp Hersey was invited to Krameria by Ashtion Zen Bape, and immediately attempted to form the NSDAP, leading to an argument in the capital. • Ashtion Zen Bape was accepted into the staff team, nominated by Triad Ahzek Ahriman Hersey, becoming Trial Mod. • Despite Michael Bape's amendments to the States Servers Act, the court continued its dispute with Cosmical and Sanders regarding the governor's powers, leading to a prolonged legal battle. • With an economic deficit of 17,000 Kramers, Deegan and Desmodium endeavored to address the issue throughout the majority of the Presidency by enacting the Improved Taxation Act in Krameria. • Deegan signed the Osmania-Krameria accord with Osmania, deviating from the One Krameria Policy in the treaty against Bape's advice. Later, attempts by DeWitt and Bape to withdraw from the alliance were rejected by the President. • The third budget, crafted by Desmodium and Deegan, aimed to alleviate the deficit. • Bape introduced the Ferula Addition Act in jest, resulting in the inclusion of the Ferula of Dovania in the hall of presidents entries. • Hersey proposed an alliance with the Republic of Discord, which was strongly opposed by Secretary Bape and other cabinet members. Despite opposition, the President did not immediately dismiss Hersey's idea, causing tension within the administration. • Feeling the weight of his role, Secretary Bape confronted the President, emphasizing the importance of heeding his advice based on past experiences. • Despite escalating unrest, the President remained hesitant to reject Hersey's proposal outright. Secretary Bape intervened to prevent premature actions towards partnering with RoD until receiving explicit orders. • As tensions continued to mount, Secretary Bape expressed regret for his initial reaction and reiterated his stance against forming alliances with RoD. He hinted at the possibility of resigning if such alliances were pursued against his counsel. • The Neel's Game Nights Act was passed, followed by Neel's re-banishment from Krameria due to alleged anti-Semitism and doxxing. • Deegan's attempt to reintroduce the Ethical Elections Act as a joke resulted in congressional censure. • DeWitt got his victory in the Presidency without significant campaigning, as he announced his intention to retain his cabinet. • Secretary of State, and Vice President Bape announced an alliance titled D.E.O.N., aimed at preserving democracy, following the President's pre-election directive, with multiple countries joining. • Staff disagreements emerged over Bautista's attempt to remove color roles and debates on banning slurs, with discussions involving Bape, Sanders, Ash, Nordiskiy, Doau, DeWitt, and others. • Ash became Moderator after serving as Trial-Moderator for two weeks. • DeWitt's presidency saw inactivity in the main server, as the external influence of Krameria grew, he decided not to run for re-elect. • With the last two presidencies being held by Dovanian Nationalists, Matt decided to enter the presidential race on March 4th, 2024. • Matt's main opponent was Commie Jesus, also known as CJ, who had previously gone by names like "Commie Bape" and "Commie Hersey" before settling on the latter. Despite other candidates, these two emerged as the top contenders. • Commie Hersey, or CJ, was a formidable opponent, known for securing victories easily. However, concerns arose about his potential presidency due to his past as the Emperor of Discordia, now titled Amullia. • The election results were announced on March 8th, with Matt winning by a narrow margin. However, controversy erupted as it was revealed that Matt had engaged in illegal canvassing, reaching out to friends such as James Hersey, Desmodium Bape, and Luna Claire Moulton to sway their votes. • James Hersey eventually disclosed the canvassing to KEB Director Michael Bape, leading to debates within the KEB about the legitimacy of the election results. • KEB Directors Luna and Ahzek initially decided to overlook the matter since they were unaware of Desmodium being canvassed and had not voted for Matt themselves. • The release of this information triggered riots in the capital, with CJ leading protests against what was perceived as unethical conduct. • Impeachment proceedings were initiated in Congress, and tensions continued to escalate within the KEB as more details emerged about potential canvassing. • Despite calls for a re-election, some argued that Matt would still win even if Desmodium's vote was discounted. • Matt attempted to address the public to calm the situation but was denied the opportunity to speak in Congress. • The dismissal of James Hersey as a potential Attorney General further fueled unrest, resulting in Deputy Attorney General Pluribus briefly detaining Matt. • Matt was released after five minutes, with Legion being dismissed as Acting President right after. • Matt attempted to nominate multiple people for the position of Attorney General, including Michael Bape and Ahzek Ahriman Hersey, however he eventually gave up on this, as Congress wouldn't appoint anyone he put forward. • As the Articles of Impeachment against Matt had failed prior, now with the issue of the Attorney General possible corruption on Matt's behalf, the vote for the motion to restart the impeachment rebegun, with Bape defending Matt as if his life depended on it. However, due to constant arguing and whipping from Bautista, Bape changed his vote, which would later spark regret. • When Bape woke up, he realized his vote made it so the impeachment article would be considered by Congress, which led to Bape being overwhelmed and asked to not be confronted on the matter anymore, as the constant stress and harassment was getting to him. • As the vote went on, and it looked more and more like Matt would be impeached, the server got more and more riots. • Bautista banned Hersey as a joke, but because his messages were deleted, the staff threw Bautista out of his ownership for a week, replacing him with Doau. • Bape, despite wanting to step back, got involved again, and argued for Matt to not be impeached for hours. Luna, Bape, Bautista, Ruff, Ahzek, Ash, and others argued for a long time, with Bape and Bautista getting very heated. This led to a tie, with Vice President Legion tiebreaking for the impeachment to be brought to the courts on March 14th, 2024. • As Bape panicked, blaming himself for what had happened, he issued a message in the executive office, stating he had calmed down, but realized that he needed a break from the politics in the community, and resigned from Chief of Staff, ending a 7 presidents long Chief of Staff term. Bape stayed as Secretary of State, and continued working on DEON. • As things continued on, Matt announced that anyone who caused Bape to feel bad should feel pitiful and shameful, and titled them "cowards hiding behind a screen." • Matt brought forward the 4th Federal Budget not too long after. Then proposed the Bill Writers Society Act. • Matt had nominated Luna for Attorney General, but out of worry that the Cabinet would throw him out of his position and make Legion Acting President, he dismissed Luna from Attorney General, causing more riots. • Matt, after Hersey attempted to recall him twice with 20 signatures, signed the Recall Petition Procedures Act, preventing abuse of recalls. • Matt announced his plans to wrap up taxes, begin some roleplay, pass the Severabiltiy Act, the Sentencing Guidelines Code, and a new penal code. • Krameria calmed down, although the anger about Matt's presidency continued, it was in the courts hands. • On March 14, 2024, Bautista as a joke banned Hersey from Krameria, but did so in such a way as too accidentally purge days worth of Hersey's messages. Seeking to prove he still held enough influence to take revenge and to ensure such a thing didn't happen again he persued a staff vote to demote Bautista as Owner for a period of a week. The vote passes unanimously, save Bautista and staff decided from Ðóàù Helios James Xarca and Ahzek Ahriman Hersey to succeed Bautista. Ðóàù quickly took the lead over Ahzek and staff consolidated around him, seeing him become Owner. • Ðóàù's term would last from the 14th-21st and on the 21st surrendered Ownership back to Bautista, concluding his term as the second Owner of the 15th Republic and 29th Owner overall. • Shortly after, Ashtion Zen Bape assumed the Presidency. His inactive term would injur greatly the stability of the Executive Branch. • A crisis arose when Fate, a bot introduced by Bape, mistakenly deleted a thread. Hersey intervened to remove the bot temporarily and asked Bape to reinstall it the next day to rectify the situation. However, when Bape restored Fate without realizing what had occurred, it triggered the Fate crisis, resulting in the deletion of eight critical court threads. Despite discussions about potentially removing Bape from his Triad position, it was ultimately decided to have him implement the archives saved by Ðóàù Helius James Xarca. • President Ash pardoned Sanders for a lingering case, sparking humorous riots in the capital by disapproving Xaezurlians. • Bautista was voted out as Owner however refused to step down, in protest, Hersey threatened to establish a 16th Republic if Bautista didn't step down, he would eventually back down on the threat and the status quo was preserved. • The server mourned the divorce between Bape and Desmodium, marking the end of a beloved relationship in Krameria. • On April Fools' Day in 2024, the Staff team played a prank by temporarily giving ownership to an alt account named "yankees8888g," satirizing Sanders' username. This led to humorous role changes among the staff. Bape became Napland, Hersey became Boxer, and Legion became Korben. Bautista was not seen through the entire day. The empire was also re-declared. • Carl Swiff and Alexander Legion, on issues of loss of interest and loss of toleration respectively, departed Krameria, leading to mourning, and Ludwig assumed the role of Acting Chief Justice amid riots over the selection of the next Chief Justice. • Ash resigned, making his wife, Emma Hersey-Bape, the new President after nominating himself to Chief Justice. • Emma's brief Presidency ended the "Dovania dynasty" that had persisted for months. • Hersey, under the alias Mosh, became President with Remy Hersey as his running mate. • He attempted to enact the Good Archival Act, which was later vetoed by the Ðóàù administration. • Mosh issued controversial pardons, such as Willinath Guynne, Astral Trinity, and Broski Biden leading to discontent among some members. • Due to a dispute with Bautista, Ahzek Ahriman Hersey left Krameria, prompting Mosh to attempt to abolish marriage through an executive order, which was deemed invalid. • Ashtion Bape and Luna initiated a recall of Mosh, resulting in Ash's investigation by the Department of Justice and subsequent resignation as Chief Justice. • Beeman was nominated by Mosh to served as Chief Justice for a second time, however the nomination would fail on account of his percived inactivity. • Following the mourning of the end of the Ninth Republic, Mosh resigned as President. This led to Bape pinging everyone and being muted for 12 hours, with Hersey using his "get out of mute free card" to unmute him. • Following the resignation of Mosh, Remy Hersey became President. She would nominate Hersey back into power by getting him the Vice Presidency with Bape passing his nomination via unanimous consent. This would for a time succeed and Hersey became Vice President for 19 minuets before Remy's resignation. Hersey would resume as President until the 8th when a lawsuit was filed claiming his Vice Presidency and thus Presidency was invalid on account of not having been confirmed properly. Bautista filed the case and the lawsuit known as "Bautista v. Krameria" would rage on until the 11th when the Surpeme Court sided with Bautista and Hersey and his Vice President, Pickle Hersey, were removed from office. The line of succession kicked in and because Luna and Bape both refused the Presidency, it went to who the current President of the House of Delegates at the time of Remy's resignation was, Doau Helius James Xarca. • Nordiskiy Bape secured victory over the incumbent Triad James Hersey by a single vote, a surprising outcome considering Hersey's significant influence in Krameria, which was being contested by the Bapes. Despite the unexpected result, Hersey graciously presided over Nordiskiy's inauguration on April 20, 2024, marking the start of Nordiskiy's presidency. • Executive Order 760 designated June 25 as 'Male Mental Health Awareness Day,' highlighting the societal oversight of male mental health. • By Executive Order 761, all official documentation henceforth referred to James Hersey as the "Roman Empire Kid." • On April 22, 2024, Desmodium Bape was nominated for Secretary of Finance. • Executive Orders 762 and 763, signed on the same day, established National Femboy Day and Star Wars Day. • At the request of incumbent KEB Directors Bape and Luna, Doau James Xarca Bape was nominated to the KEB. • In response to Roman Empire Kid's (James Hersey's) provocative stance against Leon's USSR, the President distanced himself from Roman Empire Kid's statements on April 23, 2024. • The leaders of Doulant reached out to Roman Empire Kid and Michael Bape, who added President Nordiskiy, looking to create a Union between Krameria and Doulant. This led to Bape adding Bautista, and things getting slightly heated, eventually with all considering the idea, but as neither countries' populations liked the idea too much, it seemed to had died down. • Following an agreement with Kek for a short-term presidency, Nordiskiy resigned from office on April 27, 2024 this deal would break down as Kek never resigned his office after taking over. • Bape found out [tba at a later time] • The Kek Administration was inactive enough to allow for Former President Sempronious Hersey to return to the national stage on a campaign of "ending filler Presidencies" and "revitalizing Krameria". • In the wake of Avalon gaining territorial status and the passage of the Territorial Representation Act, Bape filed a lawsuit against the government and later the KEB in what is now known as the Bape v. KEB case. Bape's argument was that individuals in territories not under state jurisdiction should not have the right to vote at the federal level. This legal action sparked lively discussion on the server for several days. • On April 19th, Kramerian newcomer Oh? entered Krameria, on April 28th he announced his run for President. As election day hit, Oh? canvassed a majority of the inactives in the server, as he ran against popular Sempronius Hersey. Bape, finding this out, sued Oh? for these percieved illegal activities, with James Hersey and Beeman coming to Oh?'s aid, Sempronious would eventually overcome Oh? 17 - 15 in the vote share, with Oh? managing to unseat his own running mate and incumbent Rep. Strawberry for Congress. • Upon taking office, he renamed #kekoffice to #centuriate and the observation office to #curiate. • He proposed Desmodium Bape for Secretary of Finance and Re Xae Ruff Bape for Secretary of Internal Affairs. Following Bape's recommendation, Ashtion Zen Bape was appointed Supreme Legionnaire. • On May 5, 2024, Sempronius delivered his inaugural address, emphasizing the need to restore Krameria to its former glory. • He tried to rally his cabinet, but internal drama involving Oh? consumed the attention of key members, including National Jester and de-facto Presidential Advisor Hersey, Secretary of State, and Chief of Staff Bape. • On May 7, 2024, Sempronius awarded Bautista a Triumph, alongside 1000 Kramers and the Presidential Medal of High Honor. The same day, Hersey and Bape had a significant argument over closer ties with Doulant, which Sempronius mediated without resolution. • Despite his efforts, cabinet mobilization remained unfruitful, leading to Desmodium Bape's abrupt resignation on May 7, 2024, due to unspecified reasons linked to the President's actions. • On May 20, 2024, despite widespread support, Sempronius lost his re-election bid to Oh? by a single vote, owing to Oh?'s strategic canvassing of inactive members. Legal ambiguities prevented KEB intervention, and Sempronius resigned gracefully. • An anonymous tip to James Hersey unveiled a conspiracy involving several Security Council members planning to exile the Kramerian Republic in the "Union State." • Sentient One warned the anonymous source about the dangers posed by Michael Bape and James Hersey, aiming for their removal from Krameria for allegedly turning it into an autocracy. • Upon receiving this information, Bape believed that those planning to overthrow the government should be removed immediately, while Hersey disagreed, asserting that they had the right to attempt a coup unless they broke server rules. • On the same day, newcomer Oh?, with an account only four days old, ran for President, choosing USD member Aurelius Kramerius (CALAMITY) as his Vice-President. • Over the next two days, Hersey and Bape gathered more information about the impending coup, aimed at establishing a 16th Republic under USD jurisdiction. Bape reached out to Xaezurlia leader Guynne, who suggested that Oh? might be affiliated with a nuker clan, though the evidence was circumstantial. • On May 1, 2024, Oh? switched his Vice-President to newcomer Madam Strawberry after Bape sent CALAMITY and Oh? an image of a Hamilton song titled "We Know." • On May 2, 2024, Bape contacted DEON member Watcher to gather information on the USD and Oh?, finding that some members were involved in raider clans and confirming that Oh? was likely an alt account. Bape presented the information to Hersey, who remained firm in his stance against banning Oh? without clear rule violations. • On May 3, 2024, the election ballot was released, leading to a surge in votes from new and inactive members. Bape controversially DM'd each inactive voter who supported Oh? to ask if they had been canvassed, with seven affirming. Consequently, Bape and Luna decided to remove these votes. • Chief Justice Matt and Justice Yankees Sanders suggested taking the canvassing issue to trial, with Hersey opposing and enlisting a real-life lawyer, former Chief Justice Beeman, to defend Oh? This led to the recusal of both Chief Justice Matt and Justice Sanders, causing a two-week stall. • Arguments between Bape and Hersey became almost daily occurrences, with Bape struggling with mental health issues and Hersey insisting on upholding the law. Hersey argued that they needed to wait for Oh? to make a clear mistake before banning him. • On May 5, 2024, Oh? established a party called the "New Revolution," inviting several USD members and others who desired to see Krameria's downfall to establish a supposedly better Republic. Bape's refusal to let three new invitees into the server led to another argument with Hersey, but they eventually reconciled. • A couple of days later, Beeman attempted to have the case against Oh? dismissed, but Bape successfully argued against this motion, leading to the case proceeding. • With the next election approaching and Oh? announcing his candidacy again, tensions between Bape and Hersey persisted. Bape sought an injunction to prevent Oh? from being listed on the ballot until the case concluded, but withdrew it after Hersey accused him of abusing his authority. • On May 16, 2024, former Chief Justice Carl Swiff was assigned to preside over the case, promptly requesting arguments from both sides. • Tensions escalated further when Xaezurlia instructed Bape to resolve the situation promptly or face intervention. • On May 17, 2024, the ballot was released, and Oh? garnered votes from individuals he had invited before Bape and Hersey reached an agreement, mostly from inactive members or USD affiliates. • On May 18, 2024, Beeman sought to delay the case further by attempting to disqualify Swiff, alleging bias, but Swiff countered the argument effectively. • The election results were delayed as the KEB investigated, leading to a discussion among Bape, Hersey, and Freland. They agreed that the KEB should announce the results the next day without deleting any votes without evidence. • On May 19, 2024, Bape experienced a breakdown when no evidence surfaced to disqualify Oh?. Despite initial panic, Hersey and Freland helped Bape regain clarity, and the results were released with a message from the KEB denouncing Oh?'s actions. • Oh? won the election 19-13 against Sempronius Hersey, with suspected canvassed votes playing a critical role. Public outrage ensued, leading to riots and demands for Oh?'s removal. • Oh? reacted calmly to his victory but faced immediate opposition from Vice President Strawberry, who requested his resignation. • Oh? tried to fire several cabinet members and declared martial law without Vice President Strawberry's approval, citing threats of secession from Chief Justice Matt. • Oh? attempted to order the arrests of Vice President Strawberry and Matt, fire the Supreme Court, and ban propaganda against himself. • Hersey offered Oh? a chance to resign to avoid being banned, which Oh? eventually accepted after holding a poll. • Oh? resigned after 23 minutes in office, giving himself every medal before stepping down. • Celebrations followed Oh?'s resignation, despite some opposition. • Strawberry became President, pledging to clean up the mess and immediately reversing all of Oh?'s actions. • Strawberry proposed several new cabinet nominations and renamed the "ohoffice" to "Rosequarters." • Believing the election to be stolen, Strawberry called for a recall election against herself. • The recall failed to meet the required majority, so Strawberry remained President but resigned later that day after ensuring stability. • Beeman, also known as Luca Tejedor, was nominated as Vice President and approved by Congress. • As President, Beeman renamed the hexaoffice to #terraza-del-tejedor and made several controversial decisions, including dismissing Deputy General Ashtion Zen Bape. • Beeman sought re-election but lost to Carl Swiff on June 1, 2024, and left office quietly. • Immediately after becoming President, Swiff issued an Executive Order abolishing the office of the Deputy Chief of Staff and fired Michael Bape from his position as Chief of Staff. • Swiff then dissolved the Department of LARP. • There was drama when the staff voted not to uphold the medal roles created by President Strawberry. When the President attempted to override this decision, it led to a trial, Bape v. Republic, to determine the legitimacy of the President's actions. • Swiff faced further controversy when he discovered the border was illegal. After negotiating with Bautista, he managed to legally re-establish it. • The upcoming election saw significant drama as Michael Bape competed against Alexander Caesarian. Bape was intrigued by Caesarian, who reminded him of his past self. Initial concerns arose when Caesarian proposed Bape as his VP. After Bape declined, Caesarian boasted of a substantial, anonymous voter base, causing Bape further unease. • Following a dismissive comment from an unnamed person, Caesarian began inviting people to the community. Concerned, Bape consulted Freland, who advised against including Caesarian in the Cabinet, citing his problematic canvassing. Despite this, Bape initially allowed Caesarian's invites but later denied more recruits entry. • Caesarian responded by insulting Bape, calling him a "bipolar fuck" and "mentally unstable." Despite these insults, Bape continued the discussion, supported by Sam but facing criticism from others involved. Hersey, Bape's mentor, and Caesarian proposed a deal for Bape to run as VP, with Caesarian resigning after a week. Feeling betrayed but influenced by Sam and Hersey, Bape reluctantly agreed. • Tensions rose in Delmont as the SDP and DNP clashed, eventually leading to an agreement between Desmodium and Bape to remain under Dovania while increasing autonomy significantly. • Throughout, Caesarian continued his insults, including derogatory comments about Luna's autism and a transphobic remark. These actions led Bape to report him, resulting in a week-long ban for Caesarian. • Further drama unfolded when Pluribus ran for President but tied with Michael Bape, running under his persona Dratil, and lost the election due to backward tiebreaking. This was controversial as, with Caesarian banned and suspicions of illegal canvassing, Dratil, as his running mate, became President. • Dratil immediately issued Executive Orders to organize his Cabinet, but due to constitutional issues regarding tiebreaking procedures, Congress began voting, rendering Dratil's one-day presidency illegitimate. • The DNP, initially opposing Dratil in favor of Pluribus, eventually backed Dratil, along with a majority of the server. For unity and kindness, Pluribus withdrew, allowing Dratil to become President legitimately by the people's votes. • Dratil reissued his executive orders and cabinet nominations, and Mosh became Vice-President. • Following Dratil's resignation amid the Gartic Phone Situation, Place Name Here, an alternate of Freland, became President. He entered office stating, "Trust me, I am not new," before swearing the oath to assume the presidency. • His first action was to appoint James Hersey as the new Chief of Staff and Michael Bape, Dratil's main account, as Secretary of State. He publicly dismissed Sam Odelschwanck from the position of Chief of Staff, replacing him with James Hersey. • Upon discovering that Beeman held the position of Deputy Attorney General, he fired Sempronius Hersey without realizing there could be multiple Deputy Attorney Generals. He chose not to renominate Sempronius Hersey. • He issued an executive order to rename the hexaoffice from bapaoffice to "krameria-chronicles-ep4." After two days of consideration, he nominated Kiliaen Su as his Vice President. • On June 24, 2024, he issued an executive order to raise the border and require all entrants to the nation to be approved by the KBIC. This order was largely ignored, except for the unquarantining of Digger. • In Executive Order #04, he tasked James Hersey with creating a map of Krameria's capital, Fortitude. He also ensured that Alexandria-Plotonia had a grave in Fortitude Cemetery. • He initiated controversy by attempting to compile a list of all laws, despite a pre-existing channel, leading to an argument with Francis Bautista. In his 8th Executive Order on June 25, he again attempted to edit the law channel, resulting in a shorter argument with Bautista. • He nominated Sempronius Hersey as a General Court Judge and created a Constitutional Convention for the Kramerian territory, Avalon. • Neel was elected as the 195th President of Krameria on June 29th, 2024. • Neel had been President of Krameria 5 times before, all 5 times being in 2021 and 2022. • His longest administration up to this point was 3 days long. • The first act of the Neel Administration was Executive Order #826, where he changed the name of his office to "Stardew Valley Fanclub" and changed the name of his vice president's office to "Yeetusville". • Neel proposed the Kramerian Department Reform Act, which would abolish all deputy secretary positions aside from the Deputy Attorney General and would repeal the Federal Legion. • Later that same night, he made Executive Order #827, where he ordered the deletion of several channels within the server he deemed as useless or inactive. However, due to the legal protections of all LARP buildings, he was forced to submit an act repealing them instead of an EO. • Neel fired all of the previous administration's Presidential advisors and appointed his own. These people included Naturegamer03, Deegan, Joem, Vasyl Bodosky, an Archibald Diavolo. • At midnight on June 30th, Neel officially fired Attorney General Luna Claire Moulton after she rejected Neel's request that she step down. • Neel absolved Ludwig, who had been accused of saying the n-word by the staff team, of all accusations. He pardoned his close friend Rev and Kramerian veterans Romulus and Ernie Korben in the same message. • He issued Executive Order #828, changing the Kramerian server logo back to the original before the 15th Republic. However, he made a deal with Deegan and Secretary of Defense Bautista that he would keep the pride logo until the end of Pride Month. • After issuing Executive Order #828, Neel stated he would not reveal his cabinet until Congress voted on the Kramerian Cabinet Reform Act. • Neel fired the Supreme Legionnaire Desmodium and the KBC Director Sempronious Hersey. • He reaffirmed Kramerian involvement in Operation D.E.O.N and reached out to Calluris about them becoming a member. • He absolved Secretary of Defense Bautista of all accusations against him. • He nominated Ludwig to the Admin Court of Appeals. • Neel submitted the C.I.T.I.Z.E.N.S Act to Congress, which would abolish the citizenship fee, reduce the message requirement from 500 to 250, and have abolish the 1-week requirement for becoming a citizen. • He made Presidential Advisor Steve the First Lady. • After an incident involving Luna and Matt in Dawnhold, Neel abolished the "Be Nice" role for its supposed "creation of imbalances between what should be equal users". • Later on June 30th, Neel got into an argument with several server members in Krameria's Dawnhold. There, he called the current generation running the server as "soft", and a "failed generation". He also called out a large chunk of the active members as "social rejects". • After about 15 minutes of arguing, a recall petition was started against President Neel. • Neel, infuriated by this, decided to fire his entire cabinet besides his appointed advisors, Vice President Yeetus, and the protected positions. • He also pardoned all banned members not related to Marwick or raiding. • He introduced the Presidential Medals Regulation Act, the Kramerian Single Office Amendment, and the Staff-Government Seperation Amendment. This were acts he had planned to pass later in his term as apart of his massive reform platform. • After doing this, he stated in a speech that the old generation of Kramerians he belonged to were no longer in Krameria, and that he saw the current generation as unsaveable. • After saying this, he resigned from the office of Presidency, letting Vice President Yeetus succeed him. While no formal war was declared, the Republic of Calluris expressed strong displeasure over Neel's re-banning, particularly since Neel himself is a Callurian. Neel began criticizing Krameria to fellow Callurians, labeling it an adminocracy due to his perceived unjust ban and deal with Hersey. This assertion upset the Callurian community, who argued that Krameria did not uphold true democratic principles as it claimed. This led to backlash against Krameria within the Calluris server.

In response to the animosity and armed with screenshots from Bape, Krameria intensified its efforts after Neel and Joshua were caught attempting to evade bans and join Krameria. Additionally, Joshua's derogatory remarks (including calling him the n-word) directed at Bape further exacerbated tensions, especially when they told more people to attempt to go to Krameria's border and flood it.

Hersey and Bape, with approval from the State Secretary Ruff, convened a group chat with Callurians, including Blake (briefly), Nature, and Neel. In this meeting, peace seemed to be achieved with an agreement that Krameria and Calluris would establish a non-aggression pact, foster friendly relations, and part ways amicably on July 1, 2024.

This understanding was reaffirmed on the morning of July 2, 2024, when President Yeetus von Klue-Bape met with Nature and Bape over tea to discuss Calluris, and they all agreed to the terms, alongside stopping Neel from attempting to get Krameria's allies in D.E.O.N. to oppose them.

However, this agreement faltered later in the day when the Doulant issued a statement condemning Krameria's actions against Neel. Doulant, particularly their President, Esemih criticized Krameria, claiming it was not a true democracy due to its banning of Fu Sunglisten, who allegedly sought to restrict rights based on religious beliefs, and Oh?, an alt accused of undermining server laws and democracy by canvassing inactive members.

Michael Bape, feeling angered by the situation, confronted Esemih, who dismissed his concerns. Venting his frustration in a group chat with Willinath Guynne present, Guynne, leader of the United Imperiums of Xaezurila, sanctioned both Calluris and Doulant, instructing them to cease their actions against Krameria. This sparked a series of announcements and rebuttals between Guynne and Esemih.

Meanwhile, Neel began spreading allegations in Calluris that the UIX and Krameria were raiding clans, which deeply concerned Bape as he recognized these claims as false. In response, Guynne shared a screenshot in UIX announcements showing Neel attempting to recruit individuals to join Krameria and potentially flood their borders, labeling this as evidence of real raiding.

As the drama unfolded, Neel and Joshua joined the Unified Realms to criticize Krameria and allegedly influence an ex-member of D.E.O.N., who remained allied with Republic of Krameria, against them. Bape, as a co-owner of the Unified Realms after talking to Vaeth, intervened with evidence and brought charges against Neel Bakstantsky within the Unified Realms for his involvement in nuking, raiding, and alleged doxxing of Nature Gamer. Prior to this, Joshua was banned for his former offensive remarks directed at Bape in private messages. Bape informed D.E.O.N. of the situation, prompting Hersey to come online. In private messages, Neel accused Bape of causing division within the community and portrayed the UIX as the real threat. Initially leaning towards Neel's perspective, Hersey opted to remain neutral due to his longstanding friendships with Calluris and Doulant.

Neel attempted to initiate peace talks with the UIX, but they declined, asserting that the only peace necessary was to show kindness towards Krameria.

Nature Gamer messaged Bape expressing a desire for peace. Consequently, Bape created a group chat with Bautista, Guynne, Nature, and Vaeth to discuss the way forward. They collectively (only Krameria and Calluris) agreed on a solution: a non-aggression pact, mutual apologies for any corrupt actions, and the unbanning of Big Blake and Rev, as it was determined that Rev was uninvolved in the doxxing of Nature, from Krameria. Neel was agreed by both sides to stay banned due to his actions after being banned the first time, and alongside doxxing Nature in the past. • Yeetus became President and renamed the Hexa Office to #klueffice, inspired by Bape's #bapaoffice. He also renamed the Observation Office to "Shack of the VP" due to not having a Vice President. • He appointed Bape as Attorney General and Re Xae Ruff as Secretary of State. • He nominated Arthur Joem Townsends as Secretary of Internal Affairs, with Nature as Joem's deputy. • Yeetus created the 'Grandmaster of the Klue Legion of Honor' medal, along with the 'Klue Legion of Honor' 1st, 2nd, and 3rd class awards. • He awarded Bape the Grandmaster of the Klue Legion of Honor. • He granted Francis Bautista the Klue Legion of Honor, 1st class, and awarded Carl Swiff, Desmodium, James Hersey, Mosh, Beeman, Doau, Ludwig, Re Xae Ruff, and Ashtion Zen Bape the Klue Legion of Honor, 2nd Class. • He established the Presidential Medal of Dishonor and awarded it to Yankees Sanders. • In a meeting with Michael Bape, Vasyl Bodosky, and Chief Justice Matt, it was decided that the Secretary of State role would lose its protections, much to Bape's dismay. • Yeetus awarded James Hersey the Presidential Medal of Dishonor. • He appointed Sempronius Hersey as KBC Director and renamed the Observation Office to "ruff's shack." • Yeetus then incapacitated himself after making Re:Kick Xae Ruff the Vice President, leading to widespread horror and riots across the country. • When Yeetus incapacitated himself, Ruff assumed the role of Acting President, pledging to serve the nation with dedication. • Ruff appointed Ash as his Chief of Staff and endorsed Joem's self-appointment as Game Night Director, which he described as "based and redpilled." • Ruff renewed The Treaty of Corvallis with the Unified Realms, extending its duration from three to six months, and signed the Death Penalty and Bribery Penal Amendment, refining the definitions of bribery and death penalty procedures in the Constitution. • Amid rising tensions with Calluris, Ruff authored the Treaty of Bapridge, the first treaty ever signed in Delmont, establishing a Kramerian-Callurian Non-Aggression Pact that temporarily restored peace. • However, following Neel's ban from Krameria, escalating threats led to the doxxing of Emy, the 2nd in command of the UIX. In response, Ruff initiated a 24-hour total border lockdown to ensure safety, despite facing mixed reactions and legal challenges. • Ruff also authored a significant rework of the House of Delegates, which is pending implementation, and ran for President with Skål Hersey-Durnhåil as his Vice President, narrowly winning the election 13-12 against Pluribus. • Ruff ascended to the Presidency of Krameria following Neel's departure from the server, initially serving as Vice President under Yeetus von Klue. • Shortly after becoming Vice President, Yeetus incapacitated himself, thrusting Ruff into the role of Acting President. With the weight of the nation on his shoulders, Ruff promised Yeetus that he wouldn’t let him down and began to serve the country with unwavering dedication. • One of Ruff's first significant decisions as Acting President was appointing Ash as his Chief of Staff, a move that solidified his administration's leadership. He also made headlines by declaring Joem's self-appointment as Game Night Director and his firing of Nature to be "based and redpilled," a decision that resonated with many and set the tone for his presidency. • Ruff took decisive action on foreign policy by renewing The Treaty of Corvallis with the Unified Realms, extending its duration from three to six months, a move that strengthened diplomatic ties and ensured continued cooperation. He also signed the Death Penalty and Bribery Penal Amendment. • Amid rising tensions with Calluris, an incident known as "Krameria vs. Calluris" unfolded, with Neel being banned for violating his probation. The situation escalated into what many referred to as a "cold war" between Krameria and Calluris. As both Acting President and Secretary of State, Ruff took it upon himself to author the Treaty of Bapridge, the first treaty ever signed in Delmont. This Kramerian-Callurian Non-Aggression Pact successfully de-escalated the situation and brought about a brief period of peace. • However, this peace was short-lived. Neel, in response to his continued ban from Krameria, along with several others, initiated a series of plots ranging from planning to nuke the UIX to conspiring to raid Krameria's border. The situation took a dark turn when Neel doxxed Emy, the 2nd in command of the UIX, who was also known as Willinath Guynne's fiancée. Their original target was Guynne himself, but when they found nothing, they turned their focus on Emy, uncovering her Instagram, full name, age, and pictures. The goal was to target everyone in the UIX High Command, including Ruff and possibly Bape and Alexsander Larsen as well. • In response to this serious breach, Ruff initiated a 24-hour total border lockdown, a controversial decision that sparked mixed reactions and led to legal challenges. Despite the backlash, Ruff stood by his decision, firmly believing it was necessary to ensure the safety of Krameria's citizens. He argued that "some is better than none" when it came to security measures. • Ruff also took on domestic reforms, authoring a major rework of the House of Delegates. This rework aimed to overhaul the legislative process but still required implementation. The Rules Committee was established as part of this effort. • During his time as Acting President, Ruff officially ran for the presidency with Skål Hersey-Durnhåil as his Vice President. The election was fiercely contested, and Ruff narrowly won with a 13-12 vote against Pluribus. The victory was a milestone for Ruff, marking the beginning of his full term as President. • As President, Ruff focused on administrative efficiency and accountability. He reworked the Question of the Day (QOTD) system, which had been managed by Yankees Sanders, who had become inactive and irregular with the QOTD. Ruff discovered that only 7 QOTD threads had been made by Sanders since the beginning of the 15th Republic, prompting him to attempt to fire Sanders. When this attempt was denied, Ruff tried to replace Sanders by creating a "QOTD Maker" role via Executive Order, assigning it to Legion and Bape. This move was ignored, leading Ruff to draft a bill establishing a QOTD team, which passed two days later. • Ruff also signed the "Truly a State Representation Act" (TARSA), a piece of legislation that required candidates for any position to reside in the area they wished to represent. This act aimed to ensure that representatives had a genuine connection to the regions they sought to serve, reinforcing the principles of local governance. • As the election season approached again, Ruff decided to run for re-election, this time choosing Alexsander Larsen as his Vice President. Unlike previous political maneuvers, this decision was made without any backdoor deals or agreements, reflecting Ruff's desire to run on his principles and personal choice. During the campaign, Ruff made a financial decision that some viewed as questionable, spending $96 on a design.com subscription to create campaign ads. Despite this, he justified the expense as part of the unique nature of Kramerian politics. His campaign focused on SDP (Social Democratic Party) policy and the abolition of practices he found unjust, including slavery. • To his surprise, Ruff won re-election in a landslide victory, securing 17 votes to 4 against James Hersey in the first round. No other candidate received more than four votes, solidifying Ruff's mandate to continue his reforms. Ruff was the first President to be elected twice consecutively in the Fifteenth Republic. • Utilizing the skills he honed during his campaign, Ruff designed a new modern server icon for Krameria, retaining the original colors and elements but adding a contemporary touch. This was followed by a series of Executive Orders to align the icon with staff standards, focusing on alignment and centering. • During his second term, Ruff once again enacted a total border lockdown amid a potential conflict with Doulant. Thankfully, the situation de-escalated, allowing him to lift the lockdown without incident. • In line with his anti-slavery stance, Ruff issued an executive order declaring that any slave owned by a Dovanian who escaped to Arcadia, Latomé, or Delmont would be recognized as a free citizen. This order was a bold statement of Krameria's values and a direct challenge to pro-slavery factions within Dovania. • Ruff continued to make significant cultural contributions by founding the Presidential Furry Commission and creating the :3 role, adding a unique and personal touch to his administration. His leadership of the SDP, now as their newly elected leader, culminated in the drafting and submission of the Abolition Amendment to Congress. This amendment passed both Congress and a public vote, with 24 Ayes and 2 Nays. Despite facing harsh criticism from the Far-right in the Dovanian Nationalist Party, who labeled him a traitor, Ruff remained steadfast in his commitment to abolition. • Ruff also signed the Territories Act, which formally established and recognized the Kramerian Antarctic Territory, expanding Krameria's territorial claims and influence. • In a move to further secure the nation, Ruff signed the Homeland Security Act, which established the Department of Homeland Security. Bautista was nominated as its Secretary, marking the end of his long tenure as Secretary of Defense and beginning a new chapter in Krameria's national security strategy. • During his presidency, Ruff continued to tackle legislative reforms, including signing the Congressional Integrity Act, which aimed to enhance transparency and accountability in government. He also repealed several executive orders from previous administrations, such as the Mosh Administration's Executive Order 4 and the Dratil Administration's Executive Order 814, while reinstating Executive Order 662 with EO 862. This latter order saw Krameria's icon change to its Martial Law flag, though Ruff later repealed the decision in response to public disapproval. • Ruff also signed the Bar Association Amendment, which introduced several significant changes to the court system, and passed the 7th Federal Budget. This budget notably provided government funding for news networks, leading to a surge in activity from outlets like Democracy Central and Beacon of Inquiry. • To address the growing demands of the judicial system, Ruff signed the Court Filing Fee Implementation Act, which established a fee of K250 for civil cases. • One of Ruff's most significant legislative achievements was the signing of the Executive Reorganization Act of July 2024. This comprehensive bill restructured several aspects of the executive branch, most notably transforming the Department of Internal Affairs into the Department of The Interior. • As his term continued, Ruff's influence on the nation and its political landscape became increasingly apparent, marking him as one of the most transformative leaders in Kramerian history. He bid his office farewell, with a big announcement on all he did during his term. (hersey term here, tba) (vasyl term here, tba) • The 200th presidential election was mired in controversy, with James Hersey facing accusations of canvassing, resulting in a guilty verdict. Additionally, Francis Bautista lost support due to Hersey blaming him for his actions. In the end, voters sought a candidate who wasn't deeply rooted in politics and wasn't initially seen as a frontrunner, leading to Yeetus's surprising victory over some of Krameria's most prominent figures. • After taking the oath of office, Yeetus delivered his inaugural address, notably stating, "I will serve this beautiful nation with great honor, especially since I am the 200th person to be president of this beautiful country!" • During his speech, the court ruled that the nullification of Hersey's guilt was invalid, pausing the certification of election results, creating uncertainty about Yeetus's legitimacy as President. Nonetheless, the court affirmed his position, allowing him to continue as President. • In Executive Order 953, Yeetus renamed the Hexa Office to the #klueffice and appointed his Vice President as Acting President while he rested. • He announced he was seeking candidates interested in serving as Deputy Secretary of Finance, Attorney General, and Secretary of the Interior. • Yeetus dismissed Casetaria and appointed Michael Bape as Chief of Staff. • He resubmitted the Vice President Presides Amendment, but, on Speaker Bape's advice, modified it so that the Vice President would only preside if there was no Speaker. Despite this adjustment, Congress overwhelmingly rejected the amendment. • Yeetus nominated Luna Moulton for Attorney General and dismissed her as Secretary of Defense, nominating Vasyl as her replacement, conditional upon Moulton's confirmation as Attorney General. • Through Executive Order 956, Yeetus allowed the President, Vice President, and anyone with the "Oval Office Pass" to speak in the Hexa Office or Observation Office. • Following an antisemitic and anti-Kramerian raid in Calluris, Yeetus met with President David of Calluris and Bautista, the raid's target. They reconciled, and Calluris committed to preventing such incidents in the future. • Yeetus nominated Arthur Joem Townsends as Secretary of the Interior. • He established a pressroom channel to host press conferences involving the President, Cabinet members, Congress members, and party leaders, with permission granted by the President or Department of the Interior. He also appointed Ashtion Zen Bape as Press Secretary. • Lastly, Yeetus introduced a bill commemorating the horrors of September 20th, when two planes struck the KBC building and the eastern side of Congress. • Yeetus proposed the Basic State Insurance Act to Congress. • Yeetus signed the Principle of Neutrality Act made by Michael Bape that would declare Krameria neutral in all upcoming conflicts, and leave D.E.O.N. • Yeetus signed the Naturalization Readjustment Act. • Yeetus formally fired Desmodium Games from Secretary of Finance after his inactivity, and then signed the Gentle Diplomat Act. • A crisis ensued when there was no Secretary of Finance for a long time, and after a lot of looking, Casetaria was nominated for the position of Secretary of Finance. • Francis Bautista and Michael Bape got in a debate about if the President is the executive, due to the lack of an SoF, and Yeetus quoted the Constitution in the Hexa Office: "There shall be a President vested with the executive powers of the Republic," before announcing he would collect taxes. • Yeetus made the 'Medal Regulation Committee' which would cut the number of medals present within the Republic, and got rid of 6 unused medals. • Yeetus, for the third time, resubmitted the Vice President Presides Amendment to Congress. • Yeetus left office, stating "It has been an honor." • In Bape's news channel, Beacon of Inquiry, he proposed ten polls on things he should do in his administration, as he wanted to abide by what the people wanted, not what he necessarily personally wanted. Although later on in his administration, he would do things he thought were best, even if the people did not agree, he stuck to the theme of listening to the collective. • Bape decided to run under a custom party he had made called "MSCFA." MSCFA had lore of a group chat lasting four years, with the only members of the party being Mike (Bape), Sam (Sam Odelschwanck), Fuzzy (John Dingleberry), Armann (Armann Bartholomew), and Caleb (Caleb Xalier). • On October 3, 2024, he dropped his campaign document, and a few hours later, his competitor, Metal Crusader, would do the same. • On October 4, 2024, the election took place, and within a day, Bape had won 13-2 against Metal Crusader, and was sworn into office. • Bape took office on October 5, 2024, and issued his inauguration speech, where he stated, "Many of you may not remember, but for a long time, I practically had no political affiliation. My Presidency was never about advancing the agenda of a party. It was about rebuilding Krameria, and I will do the same now. I won’t simply follow the SDP, the DNP, or FK. I will do what you, the people of Krameria, want as a collective." • Immediately, there was drama within the Republic. Luna Claire Moulton, alongside other SDP members, voted in the Dovanian General Assembly, and because they voted for two people—in this case, Luna and Bape—there was a loophole in the Dovanian Constitution that granted them two votes. This immediately led to the DNP GA members calling for a constitutional amendment, which went to a referendum. Bape, upon becoming President, invited Luna, Matt, Casetaria, and Yeetus Von Klue for a meeting to address the situation, where it was decided there would be a constitutional convention in the state of Dovania. Bape would lead the convention to ensure all parties got what they wanted equally. • Soon after tea was done in Pltoonia Café and the meeting was over, Bape immediately began organizing his cabinet. He dismissed all members of the cabinet except for Luna and Bautista in their respective positions as Attorney General and Secretary of Homeland Security, and then nominated Yeetus Von Klue for Secretary of State, Antonov for Secretary of Finance, Vasyl Bodosky for Secretary of the Interior, Larsen for Secretary of Defense, Bautista for Chief of Staff, Quantum for Deputy Attorney General, and all of MSCFA for Presidential Advisors. • Drama began when people in Dawnhold started complaining about Bape's plan to make the Border Bureau, titled the Home Office, independent, thus removing the Department of Homeland Security to form the bureau. This led to Bape creating a poll on what to do with the border. • Bape, issuing Executive Order 970 and 971, renamed the Hexa Office to #bapaoffice and the Observation Office to #townsends-central. • In Executive Order 972, Bape reinstated the original AI 15th Republic icon that had been used for months. • Bape awarded all of MSCFA, Ash, and Alexsander Larsen the Odelschwanck's Legacy medal. • Soon after, he nominated Olympus for the position of KEB Director. • (NON-CANON) In the Arena Games, Sophia, Bape's mother, made an appearance, attacking Matt von Lettow-Vorbeck, Bape's father. This led to Bape reuniting with his mother. • Bape, in Executive Order 973, re-created the Supreme Legion, appointing Ashtion Zen as the Supreme Legionnaire and Metal Crusader as a member of the Supreme Legion. • Afterwards, he made Metal Crusader the Press Secretary. • At the request of Quantum, creator of the Judicial Powers Amendment, a poll was conducted to determine the future of criminal trials. The majority voted to retain bench trials, allowing judges to decide guilt. • Bape renominated Ludwig von Frelandsen to the Kramerian Election Bureau. However, following an outcry from a sitting member of the KEB, the Vice President, a former KEB Director, and three others, Bape rescinded the nomination. • Bape nominated Lind, a newcomer, to the General Court, which led to an argument between Bape and Chief of Staff Francis Bautista, who was also the incumbent Speaker of Congress. Bautista temporarily resigned from his position as Chief of Staff. After Bape apologized and considered Bautista’s points, he rescinded Lind's nomination, stating, "I encourage Lind to take the bar exam, become more active as an attorney here, and then pursue a future opportunity with the General Court. That would be meaningful to me." • At the request of Metal Crusader, Bape created a poll on the length of presidential terms. The majority voted in favor of 4-week presidencies. • Through Executive Order 974, Bape established the "staff-feedback" channel to track the approval ratings of staff members. • Over 11 months ago, during the #172 administration, Bape created the roles of "National Jester" and "Deputy Jester," which were later removed during the Beeman Administration. Bape reinstated these roles, awarding them to Re:Kick Ruff and Alexsander Larsen, respectively. • Bape renominated Olympus to the KEB. • Following controversy surrounding Sanders’ continued tenure on the Supreme Court due to inactivity, Bape initiated a poll to gauge public opinion on whether he should be impeached. • After Congress denied Alexsander Larsen’s nomination, Bape nominated Doau Helius James Xarca for the position of Secretary of Defense. • Bape made ap oll to see if people would be interested serving in a LARP Events Committee. • In an announcement from the Bapaoffice, Michael Bape expressed his intention to run for a second term when the time comes, hoping that the people would continue to support him. He marked the occasion by updating the icon with a Halloween theme and renaming the server from "Republic of Krameria" to "Fifteenth Republic of Krameria." • Bape awared Joem, Re:Kick Ruff, Luna Moulton, Matt von Lettow-Vorbeck, and Yankees Sanders the Triumph award. • In Executive Order 979, the vc-chat was put above the voice channels, but below every other Fortitude channel asides #game-night. • Michael Bape, in his address to the people of Krameria, warns of escalating hostilities from the neighboring state of Calluris, specifically under the leadership of President Big Blake. He recounts how, during the Yeetus administration, Callurian factions weaponized anti-Kramerian sentiment with shocking rhetoric, and now Blake’s regime has taken it a step further by attempting to strip Kramerians of their rights and targeting Kramerian officials for removal. Bape highlights Blake’s actions as treasonous, particularly for pardoning Neel, a known terrorist and enemy of Krameria, and providing him aid and comfort, thus betraying his own nation. • Bape called for Blake's immediate arrest and urges the government to label his administration as a terrorist entity, advising Kramerians to avoid Calluris due to its dangers. TBA

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