Main Page
📢 The director of the wiki has a message for the community! Please check it out here.
Welcome to the Mock Governments Wiki!
We are currently in the process of organizing our team and porting information from previous nationally-run wiki projects to the new wiki. In the mean time, feel free to add any truthful information to any page you'd like. If it is a major page or the addition of a new country, adding it to the List of Mock Governments + notifying a moderator would be helpful Thank you for your patience!
— The MockGovs Wiki Administration
In the news
TA has now a lot of replicates, could potentially fall into a civil war.
Heksters' Spain is currently celebrating general elections, ending this day 1 February in a few hours, 2025.
The Dominion starts winning legitimacy to be the true The Authority.
NATO is finally expanding.
How do I edit?
You should start off by making a Miraheze account. Once that's done, make sure to verify your email address, and you should be able to edit!
- Inclusion Policy - With the vast amount of servers involved in the MockGov, it is important that pages be continuously created and updated for new and growing MockGovs as to preserve history as much as possible.
- Exclusion Policy - However, due to the sheer amount of MockGovs, not everything can and should be completely recorded for the wiki's sake. Servers that have low member counts, have always been inactive, and have not done anything signifcant should not be prioritized on the MockGov wiki, as this takes time and resources away from the more important and active MockGovs
- Neutrality Policy - As Documentation from a vast amount of editors is difficult, it is important to maintain complete neutrality when writing any page, no matter your allegiance. Those who write biased pages or create biased edits will be subject to rollbacks and could be temporarily locked from editing certain pages.
- Ban Policy - We as MockGov wiki editors have a duty to remain unbiased in our documentation, which may negatively affect the opinions of servers and the opinion of the wiki by certain groups of people, us and the senior editors have a right to revert any and all edits involving servers that certain MockGov Wiki Editors are banned from due to the inability to independently verify.
What are some useful pages to check out?
You may start by visiting one of the following;
- List of Mock Governments
- List of People
- List of Influential People
- List of Wars
- List of Intelligence Agencies
- List of Gangs, Clans, and other non-government key-players
- List of International Organizations and Treaties
- List of Influential Political Parties
- Mock Gov Syndromes
How should pages be like?
On this wiki, all pages must be accurate, factual, and unbiased. For instance, you may not try to promote your own nation above another, you must remain fully objective with what you write.
Any form of vandalism may get you banned from editing on the wiki.