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National Counter-Intelligence Service (Romeo's USA)

From Mock Governments Wiki

National Counter-Intelligence Service

Seal of the NCIS



Agency Headquarters

"[Have I not commanded you?] [If you discover] a man plotting to kill you, rise up and kill him first." (The Jewish Talmud, Sanhedrin 74a)
Employee Count
Parent Agency
United States Intelligence Community
Chief Executive President of the United States
Director of National Intelligence Director of National Intelligence
Second in Command Chosen by DoNI

The National Counter-Inteligence Service (NCIS) is one of the 7 intelligence agencies in Romeo's USA. It is a sub-detach of the Central Intelligence Agency (Romeo's USA), and reports to the Director of National Intelligence.

It is responsible for gathering information about other nations or servers plotting against R-USA.

Not much is known about the NCIS, other than the fact that it exists and is currently operating in numerous mock-govs and servers.

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