National Security Agency (Romeo's USA)

From Mock Governments Wiki

National Security Agency

Seal of the National Security Agency



Agency Headquarters

“And those who strive for Us - We will surely guide them to Our ways. And indeed, the Lord is with the doers of good. (The Quran, 29:69) [Motto 1]

“And He found you lost and guided [you]. (The Quran, 93:7) [Motto 2]

“So remember [your Lord]; [He] will remember you. And be grateful to [Him] and do not deny [Him] .” (The Quran, 2:152) [Motto 3]
Employee Count
Believed to be around 15
Parent Agency
United States Intelligence Community
Chief Executive President of the United States
Director of National Security Operations Director of National Security Operations
Second in Command FEDRA Director