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Pax Americana

From Mock Governments Wiki

Pax Americana (Latin for "American Peace") is a term applied to the concept of relative peace, stability, and the creation and expansion of new democratic servers ever since the end of the 2024 TA-USSR War, which is when Romeo's USA took advantage of the destruction caused by the war to rise as Mock-Government's dominant cultural, military, and political power.

It is considered the successor to the Pax Discordia, which existed under the global rule of the Republic of Discord.

"Pax Americana"
Literal Meaning: American Peace

Associated Nation: Romeo's USA

Start: Sometime in June 2024

End: Ongoing

Ruling Ideology: Liberal Democracy

Under Pax Americana, the average member-count of democratic servers rose from 90 to 120, and the most common type of newly-created servers switched from Constitutional Monarchy to some form of democracy.

Romeo's USA is a Liberal Democracy, and with 1550 members as of 28 September 2024, it is the largest democracy in the history of Mock-Government, alongside being the largest Liberal Democracy in the history of mock-government, far surpassing 2nd place with only 200 members.

The second-largest democracy in the history of Mock-Government was the Republic of Discord (RoD), with 1520 members at its peak.

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