Pax Discordia

From Mock Governments Wiki

The Pax Discordia or "Discordian Peace," was a golden era of peace and stability within the mock government community. It was noted for relative lack of major destructive conflicts, and massive scale political participation, with many mock governments reaching hundreds of members without much effort, and the community of the population rapidly expanding. Within the Republic of Discord, this meant a golden age of political participation and activity, which allowed for further expansion and quicker expansion of the server.

Architects of the Discordian Peace

Many individuals contributed to the success of the Pax Discordia - or Discordian Peace - but only few can be called proper Architects of the Discordian Peace.

The following individuals are recognized by the Discordian Historical Society to have contributed to the Pax Discordia enough to be considered architects.

Logan - Owner of the Republic of Discord at the time of the Pax Discordia, his contributions to the defense of the Republic were paramount to it's success.

Mcl5 - Considered the first President of the Pax Discordia, Mcl5 laid the first foundations for the Pax Discordia, and is considered as a unremarkable President yet a influential administrator and powerbroker as head of the ever present NAP.

Loser - One of the fathers of Discordian Imperialism, President Loser transformed the ROD into a isolationist power to one constantly expanding and looking for foreign opportunities. His campaigns lead to renewed interest and activity in ROD, and economically his improvements lead to a active ROD economy.

Pax Discordia Timeline

It is debatable when the Pax Discordia truly began. Some may consider the October Revolution the beginning of the Pax Discordia, but this is not necessarily the case. Despite Logan's reforms in the government and server expansion efforts, the nation was still young, and not a fully developed and stable democratic republic. It is safe to say the Pax Discordia begun sometime after the Cosmical Incident when the Republic of Discord had finally recovered and re-organized into the Fourth Republic. For historical purposes, we will consider the beginning of the Pax Discordia to be November 25th, the day which can also be recognized as the beginning of the fall of Amullia. But without further adieu, this is the simplified timeline of the Pax Discordia (ROD).

All dates used in this timeline are approximate, as detailed historical records have been lost.

Period I - Early Pax Discordia / Fall of the UDEP

  • November 25th - Pax Discordia begins
  • December 1st - CUP (Now known as NAP) begins organization efforts
  • December 1st-14th - WhiteHoleGaming/UDEP begins losing prominence, CUP begins emerging as a DFP rival.

Period II - Rise of the DFP, National Guard

  • December 15th-20th - Micronation Crisis, growing NAP power, minor military mutines, Suda Administration
  • December 21st - Court corruption tensions begin rising, CUP paramilitaries mobilize.
  • December 22nd - Beginning of the December Conflict (also known as the National Guard Riots or December Mutiny), banning of Mcl5
  • December 22nd-24th - December Conflict in RoD, NG chaos and other riots, Mcl5 unbanned during conflict
  • December 25th - December Conflict ends.

Period III - Mid Pax Discordia, Rise of the NAP/CUP

  • January 1st - First of January, NAP Expansion begins
  • January 10-30th - NAP expansion continues
    • Late January - NAP becomes largest party and renames from CUP to NAP
  • February 1st to March 12th - NAP Dominance, Mcl5 Presidency
  • Early March - UDP/Nap Challengers form, bicameral Congress formed
  • Late March - UDP reaches roughly 50 members

Period IV - Fall of the Republic, Late Pax Discordia

  • Early April - NAP loses congressional hegemony, remains influential
    • Sophie joins the server around this time.
  • Late April - Federalists/Other Parties become more relevant, Hotzeendorf rises to prominence
  • Early May - ROD Activity begins to falter (20-25k to 10-11k)
  • Early May - NAP begins to run more autonomously, loses much influence. Sophie becomes Supreme Court Justice and influential admin. Mcl5 declines in influence and activity.
  • Mid May - Rin removed from the administration for various reasons
  • Late May - The Republic of Discord is nuked/destroyed in a attack by Sophie and allied forces, the Pax Discordia ends and the Fourth Republic of Discord collapses.
    • Many successor governments form, seeing minor conflict, with the largest being the Discordian Remnant lead by Mcl5 (which later reformed into the Fifth Republic by Rommel)
    • The Pax Discordia ends.

The End of the Pax Discordia

With the nuking of the Republic of Discord and it's subsequent collapse, the Pax Discordia came to an end. Months of furious activity and stable politics had given way, to soon begin an era of decline and conflict within the Mock Government Community, culminating in the Removal of Mcl5 from the ownership after being forced to abdicate by the administration.