Portugal (PhantomUltima's)

From Mock Governments Wiki

Portuguese Republic
Repûblica Portuguesa (Portuguese)

Flag of Portugal

Coat of Arms of Portugal


Coat of Arms

Map of Portugal

Map of Portugal

Server Icon
Server Icon of Portugal
"The Art of Diplomacy is the best skill to have"
Official Languages
Portuguese, English
Form of Government Semi-Presidential Republic
President The Landlord
Prime Minister Vacant
Founder PhantomUltima
Current Owner PhantomUltima
Member Count
Discord Invite

The Portuguese Republic (Portuguese: Repûblica Portuguesa), commonly just known as Portugal is a Discord-based Mock Government derived from its real-life counter part. It proclaims itself as one of Mock Government's leading democracies as it's also one of the only Mockgovs to have a hard-line ban on Anti-TOS stuff.

History of the Portuguese Republic

The Portuguese Republic has had a long history up to now, with lots of upturns and downturns, dictating Portugal's current state.

The Founding Era (Oct 8th 2023 - Oct 26th 2023)

On October 8th, with a template gained from Jaden, PhantomUltima created the Portuguese Republic. He set up the server and spread the invite across to his close friends, including The Landlord, Encoded Skyro and Jet Pilots. Quickly, the server sprouted as a growing mock government. This is the founding era of the state, but this blossoming era ended shortly. This is what some people call "The First Republic"

The Nuke (October 26th 2023)

On October 26th, a user in the staff team had nuked the server in the morning. The server was quickly put under emergency as both the nuker and nukebot were banned and PhantomUltima had made an emergency announcement stating that "Operation Iberia" would quickly commence to reinstate the server. It took a few days but with the help of the remaining staff team, the Portuguese Republic was quickly rebuilt from the ground and was relaunched after extra security measures were made to make sure that it would never happen again.

The Second Blossom (October 26th 2023 - January 2024)

Around this time, The Portuguese Republic began to blossom and grow into a larger state, conjuring alliances and developing the server. The elections that followed had PhantomUltima win the elections, and continue his work on the country. The nation had experienced little dilemma during this period and grew quietly, eventually with the plan to expand their foreign policy.

The "Slow Fall" of the Republic (January 2024 - March 2024)

Around this period was when Portugal's member growth and activity had come to a halt. It was obvious that activity was dying in the nation and Phantom had noticed. Reforms were initiated in the country to help keep its previous status quo; However, this turned into failure, and soon the server plunged into inactivity.

The Authority Drama (March 2024)

Despite initially siding with The Authority, being an applicant for the Berlin Pakt, Portugal eventually distanced itself from The Authority as their regime began to collapse; bringing their ally, Romania, to also distance itself from The Authority. These were precautions to protect their sovereignity and to not suffer a nuke from the opposing coalition (Which included AoS, Leon's USSR, Omsk and more) whom Portugal eventually sided with. Portugal had to make radical change to their foreign diplomacy as the power dynamic between Mock Government countries had swiftly changed.

The Plunge (March 2024 - July 2024)

Portugal quickly began to lose activity at a rapid pace, and the nation fell dormant. Nobody would talk for entire days and the chat was empty. Despite several reforms being placed to revive the server, they failed. Months passed by with little activity, and Phantom was desperate. The country planned to make a revival, and after several reforms, finally came "The Great Reform"

The Great Reform (July 2024 - Now)

PhantomUltima, having enough of the inactivity, stepped down in favor of a new successor. He called for snap elections to take place on August 16th 2024, with The Landlord and Jebediah Skywalker (Also known as Jebediah Paul as displayed on the election) and with a 7 - 5 vote difference, The Landlord won. Soon followed a period of increased activity as the server started to reform its government and improve. Reforms were passed and future reforms were planned for the near future. Activity had finally skyrocketed after months of a decaying server laying dormant, and now was the time to reinstate the Republic as an active state again. The country during this period can be known as the "Third Portuguese Republic", showing its transition from a dead server to a reviving one, with democratic institutions to be planned to be put into full enforcement.