United Midwestern Republic

From Mock Governments Wiki

United Midwestern Republic

Flag of UMR

Coat of Arms of the UMR


Coat of Arms

Server Icon
"Bello vel Pact"
Official Languages
Form of Government Constitutional Federal Monarchy
Leader of Army mrdeath4658
President Thirdtimesthecharm1
Founder Cool Kid
Current Owner Cool Kid
Member Count
Discord Invite

The United Midwestern Republic, popularly known as the UMR, is a Discord-based mock government/server. More will be added later.


Rise of UMR

This is cool kid's job since I don't know it. -Thirdtimesthecharm1

The dark days

Presidency of Ash

During the time Ash was the president was when the UMR shined. However, during her reelection, a party called The revolutionaries was running too, their candidate was Azazel. Azazel was seen as a good fit for president, but at the time he was seen as a tyrant.

In the day of voting, it was a tie, it was in the hands of one person to break it. But Azazel was claiming the election was rigged. In the end he was somehow banned and Ash was chosen to become president.

Azazel had 4,000 members worth of servers he was planning to merge into the UMR and its commonwealth, but due to his ban, that had to be stopped.

[I'll finish this later]

Correct History