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United States of America (Romeo's)

From Mock Governments Wiki

The United States of America

Flag of the United States of America

Coat of Arms of the United States of America


Coat of Arms

Map of the United States

Map of the United States

Server Icon
"Live free or die." [1]
"In God we Trust." [2]
Official Languages


Washington, D.C.
Form of Government Constitutional Federal Republic
President George W. Bush
Vice-President Aleksander Mościcki
Founder FindingRomeo
Current Owner FindingRomeo
Member Count
Discord Invite

The United States of America (USA), commonly referred to as the United States, and also known as Romeo's USA (R-USA), is a Discord-based mock government themed around its real life counterpart. It the largest US-based mock government and has a noticeable influence, starting in March 2024 and continuing onwards. Established in December 2023, it continues well into the present day as one of the largest democracies in MockGov History.

R-USA has been hailed the "champion of democracy" for causing what is generally recognized as a resurgence of Democracy across Mock-Government. Ever since the collapse of the Republic of Discord, democracy had been on a rapid decline through mock-government. By April 2024, R-USA was recognized as the last powerful democracy within Mock-Government. As R-USA rose to power, the Pax Americana came with it, which has seen an explosion in democratic servers across mock-government.

Since R-USA's rise to power, democracy has gone from near-extinction within Mock-Government to being the most common server ideology within the community.

Generally recognized for its liberal policies, it advocates for several rights such as same-sex marriage and transgender rights. By mid-2024, around a third of the Government was openly LGBTQ+. This number has since decreased. The server has been known to elect a diverse range of leaders.

The server is a Federal Union of 6 (six) regions, with each Region having its own elected Governor.

The Federal Government of the United States is a Constitutional Federal Presidential Republic and Liberal Democracy with three branches: Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. It uses a bicameral federal Legislature, with the Senate being the upper Chamber, whilst the House of Representatives is the lower Chamber.


Founding (December 2023)

The server was created on the 26th of December, 2023, when FindingRomeo was "feeling bored" in the afternoon and couldn't go outside due to a heavy thunderstorm outside his house. He messaged one of his long-time friends, Taylor Sage, and said something along the following lines:

"Yo bro, I'm bored, you tryna start up a USA server?"

Sage agreed, and the server was created around 10-20 minutes later.

Rise to Power (Jan - Mar 2024)

Throughout January 1st, 2024, and March 9th, 2024, the USA began to increase in strength, power, and international recognition through diplomacy, building international relations, and being heavily involved in nearly all ongoing global events.

During this period, the United States declared war on numerous servers, such as Belize, El Salvador, and Chernarus. All three wars resulted in an American victory.

Ever since the end of the 2024 TA-USSR war, R-USA has been described to "take advantage of the destruction caused by the war to rise as Mock-Government's dominant cultural, military, and political power." This has resulted in the creation of the Pax Americana, which is a reference to the relative peace, stability, and creation and expansion of new liberal democracies within Mock-Government since R-USA's rise to power.

February 2024 Economic Collapse

During February 2024, the economy of R-USA collapsed after repeated failures in managing the exchange rates of the U.S. Dollar, along with the unlimited printing of money from the Federal Government to benefit rich corporations such as Boeing, Dynaco Industrial, and Dynaco Luxury. Additionally, these corporations were allowed to gamble the money which was printed for them by the Federal Government, allowing for them to exponentially grow their wealth in mere seconds, without any limitations.

This practice began in Early February of 2024, and by Mid-February 2024, the economy had collapsed completely. In just 14 days, the U.S. dollar had lost over 900,000% of its value.

Chart showing the collapse of the U.S. Dollar throughout February 2024.

By February 17th, 2024, 1 Croatian Dollar was worth 212 Million U.S. Dollars. If you had 1,000 dollars on February 1st, 2024, you would need 19.4 Billion dollars to have that same level of wealth by February 20th, 2024.

President Romeo Cruz signed an emergency executive order to reset the economy and completely overhaul the economy of the server. The Federal Reserve, IRS, and Federal Treasury was created. Additionally, corporate gambling was banned, and any corporation caught gambling their own funds would have to pay 25% of their entire balance to the Federal Reserve.

Although the Federal Government continued trading with high-value corporations such as Boeing and Dynaco-MI, the money used was from the Federal Reserve, and not printed on the spot like before.

During July 2024, the economy began slipping into a similar slope towards collapse, but it was immediately caught by the IRS, which referred it to the Federal Government. New reforms were signed in to stabilize the economy and prevent any further issues.

Gambling was limited to 100,000 U.S. dollars each turn, and a 20% tax was imposed on gambling.

April Attacks, war in the Near East

See also: United States invasion of Afghanistan

In the afternoon hours of April 17th, 2024, the server was attacked by the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan who was angered by R-USA's repeated and continued support of the State of Israel.

The server had its business sector and homeland security department targeted by Afghanistan. Security officials were caught off guard and the Homeland Security server was rendered inoperable and two of the largest businesses in the server had sustained major losses. In response, the server immediately launched a complete security overhaul.

The next day, the U.S. invaded Afghanistan. While officially the casus beli (motive for war) was to install a Pro-American puppet government, the war goals shifted as the U.S. encountered extreme resistance from the Afghan server which was full of mostly middle-eastern based loyalists who were strongly opposed to the United States. Afghan fighters employed tactics such as doxxing, DDOSing, toxxing, and other methods to try and gain advantages over the United States.

Despite the fierce resistance, Kabul fell after 19 days of battle. The server was deleted, resulting in an automatic unconditional victory for the United States. Before leaving, the leaders of the Afghan server called for a "day of rage" against the United States. This would later inspire Hamas on Discord to try and attack the U.S. in May 2024, however, that attempt was intercepted and stopped by the Department of Homeland Security.

Photo showing the Lockheed and Dynaco towers being destroyed.
Photo showing U.S. Troops during the April 2024 American invasion of Afghanistan.

Corbin94 Riots

Starting on the 16th of July, 2024, and ending on the 19th of July, 2024, there were major riots and protests against the Federal Government after the arrests of Corbin94 and Eagle Soldier, two prominent members of the server. The arrests were conducted by the Department of Homeland Security after an internal audit and investigation led them to believe that they should release a warrant for the arrest of the two server members.

Immediately upon their arrests, demonstrations between citizens began forming, calling for the release of Corbin94 and Eagle Soldier. Hours later, the demonstrations turned into full-blown riots.

As the riots continued, demonstrators took to RBS and made it known that they would not back down until Corbin94 was released, effective immediately. Whilst some also advocated for the release of Eagle Soldier, most of the focus was placed upon Corbin94 for his reputation within the community.

On the 19th of July, 2024, the U.S. Federal Government backed down and signed an order to immediately release Corbin94. After this, the riots stopped. Eagle Soldier was released a few weeks later.

Flag flown by Corbin94 supporters during the Corbin94 riots of July 2024. The image depicts an upside-down flag of the United States (signaling distress), with the stars removed and replaced by bold text reading "FREE CORBIN"

The Secretary of Homeland Security of the United States, the agency responsible for the original arrests, resigned from his position in the wake of this incident.

The Leviathan Protocol

During early August, 2024, the Central Intelligence Agency executed the Leviathan Protocol, which was described by the C.I.A. as a "legal coup", although this has came under extremely heavy international criticism.

Effectively, after the CIA grew "extremely dissatisfied" with the presidential administration of XCC1, they began petitioning amongst the supervisor team and lobbying to have the president removed by the Supervisor team for "poor performance", citing that it was "necessary to preserve the server".

CIA Officers before entering the White House, early August 2024

After the President was removed in the early morning hours of August 4th, 2024, the Vice-President, Hugh G. McGill, assumed the office of President. He signed an Executive Order before resigning from his position 2 hours later.

The next in the line of succession, A. Psycho, refused the office of the President, citing that he didn't feel that he had what it took to take control of the country.

Eventually, the Line of Succession fell upon Percy P. Persay, an elected Senator who accepted the office of President.

On the 4th of August, 2024, the United Nations of Mock-Government opened an official investigation into the Leviathan Protocol. The investigation was closed on the 5th of August, 2024, with R-USA being cleared of any wrong-doing.

Superpower Status (June - December 2024)

From early June to early December 2024, the US comfortably enjoyed its status as a world superpower within mock-government, having undisputedly by far the most power out of all servers, with the strongest military, intelligence services, diplomatic outposts, and "soft power", with R-USA's messages, missions and plans being heard by nearly all mock-government servers in the community. During this period, the US would permanently reshape the way mock-government works, setting up a global democratic order, using their power to destabilize or destroy servers which worked against democracy or oppressed other smaller servers. This period saw the growth of organizations like the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and other US-Led factions.

Relative Decline and loss of superpower status (December 2024 - January 2025)

Beginning in early December 2024 and continuing into late January 2025, R-USA began to lose its status as a global superpower as it lost a "cold war" against The Authority, a third-option mock-government server which was strongly anti-US. TA, playing on their 7-8 years of mock-government experience comparing to R-USA's 1 year of experience. TA secured major victories over the US including Diplomatic Victories, destabilizing NATO, causing the largest CIA leaks in R-USA's history, and also compromising R-USA's Military communications and diplomatic cables. The US slowly retreated into isolation as TA claimed victory and began to hail itself as the superpower of mock-government.

R-USA began to lose its power over mock-government, including its military, diplomatic, and intelligence power which was once revered by the entire community for its strength, efficiency, organization, and power. US institutions began to decay as government failure left nobody to take care of them. US alliances, such as NATO,

Resurgence in Power (February 2025 - Present)

Since late January 2025, after TA collapsed due to heavy internal divisions, the US began to rise up again to try and fill the void left by the departure of The Authority. As of February 2nd, 2025, the US has reclaimed its position as Mock-Government's dominant Diplomatic and Intelligence power, with the US Government taking on initiatives to restructure and rebuild institutions and prevent them from failing again. Democratic institutions were strengthened again, with new faces coming into the government to build a new level of strength and competency within the nation to "restore the old US with a new and improved outlook."

Reportedly, there are also planned initiatives to strengthen and restructure the U.S. Military to superpower status once again. As of February 2nd, 2025, the US Military is reportedly somewhere in 4-5th place in Mock-Government, and part of R-USA's "Build Back Better" plan is to bring the military back to #1, as they have already done with their diplomacy and intelligence powers.


The United States has 3 political parties, these being the Democratic Party (Liberal), the Independent Party (No affiliation), and the Republican Party (Conservative)

As of September 2024, the Democratic party has 1.75x the amount of members as the Republican Party, making R-USA the only major Liberal mock-government server since the Republic of Discord.

The U.S. holds elections for all positions, including President, Senate, House of Representatives, and State Governor. The Presidential Executive cabinet is selected by the President themselves.

The President is elected through popular vote, as opposed to the Electoral College which is used by some servers such as The Authority.

Both sides of the political spectrum in R-USA are notably Pro-Israel. In June 2024, the United States created the State of Israel in an attempt to seek out more allies in the Middle East. As of August 2024, the State of Israel is alive and active, with 160+ members and frequent elections. Additionally, both sides known to be strong supporters of The Authority.

Federal System

The United States is a Federal Union of 6 Regions, with State Governors elected to represent the people of each region. The server follows a "Social Contract" model, meaning that the Governments of every region, and the people of each region, agree to be constituents of the United States in exchange for the U.S. Federal Government giving them rights and protections under the Constitution of the United States.

The regions are as follows;

[New England] Capital - New York City, New York
[Southern Meridian] Capital - Atlanta, Georgia
[West Coast Americana] Capital - Los Angeles, California
[Lakeview] Capital - Chicago, Illinois
[Navajo] Capital - Houston, Texas
[Frontier Range] Capital - Denver, Colorado
Map of the 6 (six) Federal Regions within R-USA.



In terms of Religion, approximately 71.2% of R-USA members adhere to any form of Christianity, according to our projection. An estimated 11.4% adhere to Judaism, 4.2% to Islam, and 13.2% fall under the "Other" category (Sikh, Buddhist, Atheist, etc).

The Constitution of the United States prohibits religion from being mixed in with Government. Despite this, a major lobbying group within the server, the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) holds significant control over the U.S. Government and generally lobbies for continued U.S. Aid to Cyco's Israel. The organization claims to defend the rights of the Jewish people and to combat anti-Semitism within the U.S. and in other mock-governments.

Photo showing the Religious Demographics within R-USA

Culture and Society

Traditionally, members of R-USA have been classified under an urge to "spread democracy, without the possibility of negotiation", emphasizing the rights of every server member to have Liberty, Equality under a just Law, the right to elect their leaders, social equality, property rights, and an overall preference for limited government.

The Government's equity of these values came into question during the Corbin Riots of 2024, in which members of the server "raised hell" against the Government whilst protesting the arrest of 3 notable server members.

In August 2024, a motion was filed in the Supreme Court of the United States of America to sue the Federal Government for failure to uphold it's end of the social contract and the unlawful arrest of American citizens. Eagle Soldier v. United States, et al. is a federal lawsuit worth atleast $25 Million U.S. Dollars, and is still ongoing as of August 7th, 2024.


R-USA uses three languages on the headers of all its federal documents: English (US), Español (LA), Françias (QE)

Despite this, the Government has assigned no official federally mandated language, meaning members of the server are free to speak whatever language they please. English remains the most common language.


R-USA currently has 7 citizen-run news sources within the server, with no government-owned media. The First amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America guarantees all U.S. Citizens the right to operate their own news channels and post whatever they want under the guild of free press, aslong as it abides by Discord's Terms of Service.

The Taylor F. Sage Tower for Free Press and Media Excellence, located in New York City, serves as the headquarters for FOX News, the first major news network within R-USA. It is named after Taylor F. Sage, founder of FOX News and the former Vice-President and President of R-USA.


The server has features which allow users to stream music within the server. On average, over 400 hours of music is streamed within the server is streamed over a 30 day period. LunaBot statistics show that the following artists are the most streamed;

During the month of January 2024, over 300 minutes of Taylor Swift's live Eras Tour performances was streamed for free within the server. The average audience was between 10-20 viewers.
Turkish Folk Central
European Folk Songs
Taylor A. Swift
Ken Carson
Lana del Rey


The most commonly mentioned sport within the server is American Football, followed by Baseball, and thirdly, Soccer.


Members of the server are allowed to stream games within the server's voice channels, as long as they abide by Discord's Terms of Service [ToS]. An estimated 40-60 hours of video game streaming is done in Public VC channels each month.

A snippet of Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition

Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition is the most streamed game within R-USA Public VC channels.


As of October 2024, there are currently 40 citizen-owned companies within R-USA. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gives U.S. Citizens the right to create their own business, as long as they pay a creation fee and abide by Discord's Terms of Service.

R-USA follows a Free-market Capitalist system of economics. The most common businesses in the server are Corporations (29), followed by Limited-Liability Companies [LLC] (6), Sole Proprietorship (4), and General Partnership (1).

The Maxwell tower, located in Houston, Texas, is the home of TexasArms, a southern-based firearms corporation. It is named after C. Maxwell, the first Governor of the American Sunbelt.

Businesses, specifically corporations, are monitored by economic oversight agencies such as the IRS, and more specifically, the IRS's Financial Crimes division.

Regardless, Corporations are the most common form businesses due to their high return rates and high-value money making opportunities.

As of October 2024, Corporate America is worth approximately 178.9 Million U.S. Dollars in revenue. The richest people in the server tend to be Corporate Executives, with the most successful ones having between 10-40 Million dollars in their bank accounts.

The Average U.S. Citizen can make between 90-200 U.S. dollars with each "u!work" command, which they can run every 30 seconds. Additionally, crime is also an option. However, crime in R-USA comes with high risk, as those who are caught can lose significant amounts of their total balance.

Businesses, specifically corporations, in R-USA have the highest purchasing and trading power compared to businesses in other servers. This is due to R-USAs high exchange rate caused by an economy with relatively low inflation rates, high interest rates (to allow for the continuous generation of money), and the value of money within R-USA allowing server members to do more than in other servers. In Mock-Government, money tends to become more valuable as a server gets larger, this is because a larger server opens up more opportunities for foreign exchange involving international entities or other servers.

The Dr. Pills Tower, located in Chicago IL, is the main administrative center of Boeing. It is named after Dr. Pills, a former U.S. Senator and FBI Director who made significant developments in investigating corruption within R-USA.

Additionally, businesses are held to anti-trust laws and are monitored by numerous law enforcement agencies within R-USA. Corruption is investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Foreign Relations

The United Nations of Mock-Government building, located in Lower Manhattan, New York City. R-USA is a permanent member of the UNMG Security Council.

R-USA has an established structure of foreign diplomacy, and has one of the largest diplomatic outreaches of any Mock-Government server, thanks to their Department of State.

R-USA considers the following to be "extremely close" allies (not in order);

The Authority
Kingdom of Spain
Portuguese Republic
Resprune's France
The Sovereignty
The Commonwealth of Astralis
Pentastar Corporation
The Ottoman Empire (Türkiye)

The aforementioned list only includes the "extremely close" allies to R-USA, although they have positive relations with nearly all other N-Grade Mock-Government servers. However, the following servers are considered to be "enemies" of the United States;

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea

Earlier in 2024, R-USA had also declared Tankria and Rhodesia to be part of an "Axis of Evil". Since then, Tankria and R-USA have made up and became close allies, and the U.S. has apologized for placing them on the Axis of Evil. Rhodesia collapsed in May of 2024.

Federal Departments

The Pentagon is the command center of the R-USA Military.

The U.S. Military

The elected President is the commander-in-chief of the U.S. Armed Forces and chooses its leaders, the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Department of Defense is responsible for administrating the U.S. Military. The R-USA Military is split into six (6) internal branches within the Department of Defense, these being;

1. U.S. Strategic Command [FORSCOMM]
2. Crisis Management [FEDRA]
3. Frontline Defense (Server Security)
4. Special Activities Division
5. Talent Acquisition Division 
6. Resource Management

Civilian Armed Forces Leadership

The Military of R-USA is divided in control between Civilians and Military Generals. This design, stemmed from the Liberal Theory of Development which R-USA follows, alongside the real-life policies of the United States, is intended to ensure that the majority of Armed Forces control is in the hands of Civilians.

A conversation between former General Adriel (Left) and former Secretary Ward (Right). Adriel was the highest-ranking Military Officer within R-USA, but Ward was the Secretary of Defense and had the most control over the Department of Defense. Ward is a Civilian.
"Civilian Oversight of our Armed Forces allows us to ensure that the U.S. Armed Forces remains a force for democracy, not against it."

R-USA's Homefront Sovereignty Protection Act (HSPA) prevents the United States Armed Forces from acting in the position of Law Enforcement at any time, and makes it a Felony Crime (Impersonation of Law Enforcement) to do so. Civil Domestic Law Enforcement duties are reserved for the Department of Homeland Security (Romeo's USA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).


The Liam A. Elrod Center for National Intelligence serves as the home of the Central Intelligence Agency. It is named after Liam A. Elrod, the first Vice-President of R-USA.

The Central Intelligence Agency within R-USA is the largest documented Intelligence Agency within Mock-Government, with a total of 60+ employees. The C.I.A. focuses on foreign operations, and usually operates under a low radar.

Due to the secretive nature of the Central Intelligence Agency, it is nearly impossible for us to truly know what's going on within the CIA. The extensive classification process employed by the CIA has nearly locked-down all information out of the CIA, and the last security breach was in May 2024. Before that, the C.I.A. had two major security breaches in March and April 2024.

To this day, it is believed that the CIA still continues creating new methods for security and data protection to further encrypt their information.

Unlike the Department of Defense, the CIA refused to give us an itemized list of their internal departments.

The Thomas S. Holland Center for Homeland Security serves as the home of the Department of Homeland Security. It is named after Thomas S. Holland, former R-USA Secretary of State who passed away in real life.

The Department of Homeland security within R-USA is responsible for domestic intelligence. In May 2024, they caught and intercepted an incoming attack from Hamas on Discord, a fringe anti-Zionist organization which tried to attack R-USA after a CIA security breach in April 2024 revealed that they were planning to create the State of Israel on Discord.

In July 2024, an illegal arrest conducted by the Department of Homeland security resulted in the Corbin94 Riots. In the wake of the riots, the Secretary of Homeland Security resigned from his position, and DHS policy was immediately changed.

The Department of Homeland Security refused to give us an itemized list of their internal departments.

Government Accountability

The flag of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

The Government of R-USA is held to accountability standards by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of Justice (DoJ; subsidiary of the FBI), and the Office of Government Accountability.

According to the U.S. Constitution, anyone, including the President of the United States, is to be held accountable for their actions, and can be subject to fines or even arrest and removal from office if they commit a crime as per defined by the US Federal Code.


The U.S. Dollar is the National Currency within R-USA.

The R-USA Economy runs on a free-market capitalist system which advocates for the rights of its citizens to earn money with little to no government intervention.

However, in recent months, new government programs such as the IRS, Federal Treasury, and Federal reserve has begun to open up, which places certain limits on methods of earning money within R-USA, such as corporate gambling.

The Gruutor Federal Reserve Building is the headquarters of the R-USA Federal Reserve, located in Washington, D.C. The building was named after Gruutor, the second Vice-President of R-USA.

The Federal Reserve is responsible for regulating the value of the U.S. Dollar and ensuring that enough money remains reserved with the U.S. Federal Government to make purchases from corporations such as Boeing, IstBank, or Dynaco. These corporations give leases and benefits to the U.S. Federal Government in exchange for the Federal Government using reserve money to purchase from them, and therefore boost their market value.

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