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From Mock Governments Wiki

The United States of America

Flag of the United States of America

Coat of Arms of the United States of America


Coat of Arms

Map of the United States

Map of the United States

Server Icon
"In God, our Creator, we trust." [Motto 1]

"Every single human being is equal." [Motto 2]

"In Actis, Earp novo Volucria" (In action, seek to be swift and decisive) [Motto 3]
Official Languages


Washington, D.C.
Form of Government Constitutional Federal Republic
President Percy P. Persay (D-IL)
Vice-President Vacant (new president yet to fill vacancy)
Founder FindingRomeo
Current Owner FindingRomeo
Member Count
1341 (as of 7. aug 2024)
Discord Invite

The United States of America, commonly known as "Romeo's USA" or "R-USA" is a major N-Grade Mock-Government server (reached "Big Three" status March 10 2024) which is notoriously recognized for its position as the "Leader of the Free World" within the greater Mock-Government community. In March 2024, the Ryūgasaki Broadcasting Service, which was the most trusted and reputable Mock-Government pundit source at the time, declared the United States to be the most powerful server in Mock-Government. As of the 7th of August, 2024, it continues to hold this title.

Additionally, the server is recognized for its generally Liberal policies. In February 2024, R-USA became the first mock-government server to federally recognize same-sex marriage. In March 2024, R-USA federally recognized transgender people under their preferred gender, and by mid-2024, an estimated 25-40% of the U.S. Government was openly LGBTQ+

The server elected a Muslim-American president in January 2024; an African-American that same month; a Mexican-American in July of 2024; and an openly gay president in August 2024.


Founding (December 2023)

The server was created on the 26th of December, 2023, when FindingRomeo was "feeling bored" in the afternoon and couldn't go outside due to a heavy thunderstorm outside his house. He DMed one of his long-time friends, Taylor Sage, and said something along the following lines:

"Yo bro, I'm bored, you tryna start up a USA server?"

Sage agreed, and the server was created around 10-20 minutes later.

Rise to Power (Jan - Mar 2024)

Throughout January 1st, 2024, and March 9th, 2024, R-USA began to increase in strength, power, and international recognition through diplomacy, building international relations, and being hyper-involved in nearly all ongoing international events.

Throughout this period, R-USA was considered a "mild power", and was recognized by most servers as a mildly-powered server which wanted to recreate the United States.

During this period, the United States invaded Belize, El Salvador, and Chernarus. All three wars resulted in an American victory.

Global Superpower (March 2024 - Present)

On the 10th of March, 2024, the Ryūgasaki broadcasting service, which was known to be the most reliable source of information within the Mock-Government community, officially declared R-USA to be the most powerful nation within Mock-Government.

They cited reasons such as professional bureaucracy, sophisticated leadership, a flawless democracy, and rapidly developing military and intelligence power to be their reasoning behind the decision.

Regardless of how servers view R-USA, it is unanimously agreed that R-USA is part of Mock-Governments "Big Three", alongside The Greater Authority and Leon's USSR.

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